The secret of the Hollywood smile: toothpaste "Sensodin"

Beautiful snow-white teeth, a smart smile - whoof us will give up such happiness? But, unfortunately, today the situation is that more than 80% of people have problems and are forced to visit the dentist in order to prevent the further development of diseases.

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One of the frequent reasons for visiting a doctor iscomplaints of hypersensitivity. The pharmacological industry does not stand still and tries to meet the needs of the consumer as precisely as possible. Today, more and more new tools are being manufactured, which allow solving a huge range of problems in a short time. There is among the novelties and "Sensodin" - toothpaste, the price of which fluctuates around 100 rubles. This remedy effectively fights tooth sensitivity.

Hypersensitivity prerequisites

What is the cause of this ailment? What causes hypersensitivity?

There are many factors contributing to this unpleasant phenomenon. The main ones are:

  • Defects of hard tooth tissues. If you have tooth decay, then you will be provided with uncomfortable sensations.
  • Violation of the structure of the enamel.
    sensorodine toothpaste price
    Physicians call this phenomenon "erosion".
  • Wiping of tooth tissues. As a rule, this defect can be caused by improper cleaning of the teeth.
  • Periodontal diseases also cause hypersensitivity, because with this disease the neck and crown of the tooth are naked.

Especially the sensitivity manifests itselfat temperature differences (if you try both hot and cold food almost simultaneously) and the use of foods in which the acid is contained in excess. It can be citrus or pickled cucumber. Chemicals will irritate the gums, and you will feel painful sensations.

Toothpaste "Sensodin": product features

Today, to cope with this problem is notlabor. If you did not delay the visit to the dentist, then the treatment will be quick and high-quality. Most often, toothpaste "Sensodin" is used to eliminate such an ailment. What does it boast of?

First, it is a kind of synthesis of cosmeticand pharmacological products, so it has not only a therapeutic effect, but also aesthetic. Applying this tool, you solve two problems at once. The thing is that the toothpaste "Sensodin" contains fluoride. No one, probably, needs to explain its positive properties. It strengthens the damaged enamel, restores it.

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This significantly reduces the reaction of the tooth to irritation.

Toothpaste "Sensodin": consequences of application

Using this paste for cleaning, in a few days you will notice a tremendous effect.

  1. Painful sensations will not be so strong, and in a week they will disappear completely.
  2. Will pass the inflammation of the gums, they will become strong and healthy.
  3. You will get rid of the bacteria that live in the mouth.
  4. Since toothpaste "Sensodin" has very low abrasive properties, cleaning your teeth will be gentle and safe.
  5. In addition, this product will provide fresh breath.

Give yourself the happiness to live without pain! And the "Sensodin" will help you with this - toothpaste, the reviews about which are the most positive.

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