Care for dry skin

Our face is a mirror of the soul. While others suffer from constant acne, acne, desperately struggling with a fat glitter, girls with dry skin of the face live peacefully and do not think about such problems. However, this advantage remains for them for a short while. After twenty years, small wrinkles appear. Due to the lack of fat on the skin, a protective layer is practically not formed. Elasticity and elasticity are lost all the faster.

Dry skin is more often influenced by the surroundingenvironment. Irritation and dry skin of the face appear after prolonged exposure to sun, wind or frost. If you do not provide proper care for dry skin, then its premature aging will come much earlier than you expected.

Take care of dry skin correctly

First of all, there must be a timely moisteningand food. Use a cream marked "For dry skin" and appropriate to your age category. It would be superfluous to use tonics and lotions for dry skin. Masks try to choose fatter, if necessary, consult the seller. Cosmetics for dry skin is made on the basis of herbs such as blueberries, chamomile, calendula, cornflower, arnica, aloe, mint, linden, sage, etc. Many cosmetic lines based on active oxygen have also been developed.

Cosmetologists recommend 1-2 times a yearuse ampoules with biogialuronic acid. This substance helps to maintain the necessary level of moisture on the skin of the face. It is easily rubbed and easy to apply.

However, there are folk, more useful tools for dry skin. So, an excellent solution will be the use of weekly masks. Let's consider some of them.

1) Mask of milk and honey. Milk-honey mixture (1: 1) put on the skin of the face. Hold for about 15 minutes and rinse with necessarily warm water, since the cold leads to dryness and peeling of the skin.

2) Efficient care for dry skin of the face will providean egg mask. In a mixture of one egg yolk and a spoonful of vegetable oil, add a little extract of chamomile. Hold on the face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm tea. After using the mask, you can apply a moisturizer.

3) Orange mask with egg yolk will also give the skin nutrition and moisturizing, while also having a bleaching effect.

4) Apple-honey mask is easy to prepare andis useful for the skin. Grate a small apple, peeled, on a fine grater, mix with one spoon of sour cream, hold on the face for about 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water or herbal infusion.

5) You can also regularly make sour cream or kefir mask. With their help, you moisturize the skin, give it the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

Care for dry facial skin also involves washing with decoctions of chamomile, mint, calendula. They are easy to prepare and perfectly nourish and moisturize dry skin.

In order not to cause excessive drying of the skin,minimize the use of sauna and bath. Water with chlorine in the pool also has a very negative effect on dry skin. For washing use special gels for dry skin, in any case do not wash with soap - it very much overdry the skin.

With prolonged stay in the hot sunuse a protective cream. In cold weather, try to stay out of doors, especially in the wind. Dress so as to cover up the exposed areas of the body as much as possible, first of all hands, feet and face.

Pay attention to how you eat. In your diet should be more fresh vegetables and fruits. Perhaps you drink a little liquid. Try to drink about 2 liters of various drinks per day (tea, juice, mors, water).

Care for dry skin is no less problematic than for oily skin. It takes persistence and constant procedures to make your skin look attractive at 16 and 36.

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