Dry skin care: face, hands and body.

Dry skin is a reward for young girlsadolescence, because it can be considered ideal. Judge for yourself: thin pores, peach cheeks, lack of greasy shine, pimples and acne. But not everything is as perfect as it seems at first glance. By the age of 25-30, women are beginning to feel certain problems associated with a lack of fat and moisture: stitched skin, lichen spots, early wrinkles and irritation. To prevent all these unpleasant manifestations, you need proper care for dry skin. Replenishing the fat balance of the skin and saturating it with moisture, it helps to avoid premature aging.

Care of dry skin of the face.

  • For cleansing it is necessary to use cosmetics mainly on a fat basis. It can be a cleansing cream or milk.
  • Daily it is recommended to apply to the skin nourishing and moisturizing cream (morning and evening).
  • To prevent premature aging, use a day cream containing a sunscreen.
  • In the evening, care for dry skin should be reduced tothe next: we clean the face with milk containing nutritious and soothing substances, wipe it with water with a cotton swab, apply a night cream, which includes fats and moisturizers.
  • In the morning, you should refresh your face with warm water, apply a light daily cream containing moisturizers, oils and protective filters that prevent light aging of the skin.
  • 3 times a week, spoil your face with masks. They are applied for 20 minutes, washed off with water, and then a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. It is recommended to alternate tonic masks that have strengthening and protective properties, and nutritious, rich in fats.

Quite often women notice the problemdry hands. It can be caused by cold, lack of fluid in the body, deficiency of vitamins A and E, household chemicals or poor-quality cosmetic preparations.

Care for dry hands.

  • After work on the house, do not forget to regularly lubricate your handles with a nutritious fat cream, which contains vitamins D, E and A, as well as glycerin.
  • Use baby soap.
  • After applying the cream, put the cellophane gloves on your hands and wait 20 minutes. During this time, he must finally absorb.
  • Care for dry hands is unthinkable without trays and masks.

- Pour hot milk (one glass) with two spoons of mother-and-step leaves. Wait until the agent is infused, and then lower your hands for 20 minutes in the bath.

-Crop the fresh cucumber on a small grater. Apply mass on hands, put on polyethylene gloves and wait 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with lukewarm water and apply a cream.

Care for dry body skin is also important and necessary for health and well-being.

  • For cleaning, use a liquid or cream soap with glycerin additives, as well as delicate shower gels marked "for dry skin."
  • Periodically use oil wraps.
  • Take a variety of baths: with oatmeal, honey, whey, essential oils, as well as butter, cream and milk.
  • The best for the dry skin of the body is suitable moisturizing soft preparations, including jojoba wax, paraffin particles and polyethylene granules.
  • From folk remedies, you can use a scrub from a mixture of ground hake with olive oil or cream with a fine salt.
  • Constantly moisturize and nourish the skin. For this purpose, body oil, liquid emulsions, creams and lotions are suitable, depending on the level of dryness.
  • Purification can be performed with the help ofcalled "Cleopatra's Soap". Mix a handful of oatmeal and the same amount of salt and pour the mixture with boiled milk. After the product has swelled, pour the egg yolk into it.
  • Not recommended for dry skin useusual inexpensive toilet soap, scrub with abrasive hard crumbs and hard water. It can be softened with the help of milk, baking soda, decoction of lime flowers or chamomile.
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