Ear piercing - a way of self-expression or a tribute to fashion?

Jewelery has always been a way of self-expression, andopportunity to show your status. This is evidenced even by excavation of ancient settlements. Ear piercing can be called a way to decorate your body.

Ear Piercing

But for some it is a tribute to fashion, but for others -really a way of self-expression, and deeply conscious. Some pierce their ears "just like that," while others clearly understand what they are going to and what they want to say in this way.

Most of those who dared to pierce ears, decorations and puncture site are chosen in advance. Why?

The tongue of the piercing is comparable to the language of tattoos - some are absolutely meaningless, others quite clearly can characterize a person, telling about his preferences and views on life.

If we translate the word "piercing", then in direct meaning we get a "puncture". With this procedure, most girls face before putting on their first pair of earrings.

But if you ask a woman of "strict morals", wearing earrings - is there any piercing on her body, she will give a negative answer without hesitation.

Most of those who wear earrings do not even suspect that they are the owners of the most common piercing, because only that the puncture made once is in the usual place - in the earlobe.

Ear Piercing Earrings

In fact, ear piercing is quite multifaceted and differs not only in the number of holes made for the opportunity to dress jewelry, but also in their location.

The most popular are five types of piercing:

1. Ear lobe. The most usual and not requiring comments.

Male Ear Piercings

2. Piercing the shawl around the shell. The cartilaginous tissue (ear top) is pricked. It is usually chosen by people extraordinary, wishing to show the firmness of life principles. Visually similar to several asymmetric or symmetrical punctures, connected either by a series of rings or by a chain.

3. Tragus piercing. The most difficult to perform, as there is a risk of damage to the inner part of the auricle. In this part, usually wears a small "carnation" (or ring). The owner of the piercing in this area of ​​the ear declares his individuality and wishes to stand out as much as possible from the "crowd".

4. "Industrial". This piercing of the ears is regarded as a challenge, and usually typical for informal people who want to openly touch others. Cartilaginous tissue is pierced at two points, and punctures are joined by an ornament (straight and long).

5. "Tunnels" are predominantly male ear piercings, which has become fashionable relatively recently and looks somewhat scary. After a simple puncture the ear lobes are stretched and inserted into it a short tube (pince). The diameter increases gradually. The operation is irreversible. Anyone who wants to get rid of a hole in the lobe will have to turn to the surgeon. Owners of such piercings for some reason are considered fans of pop idols of the West, although in fact, originally in this way decorated themselves with representatives of Africa. And naths, who are representatives of the yogic order, insert wide rings not into the earlobe, but into the center of the ear cartilage (chira-dikshi), and for them such action is a real sacred ceremony with a sacred meaning.

Any kind of piercing is always dangerous, since vital points are concentrated in the ear, therefore only an experienced specialist should do it.

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