Budget Law

In Russia, financial law is a separate,an independent industry. This approach is related to the existence of a special subject and method of regulation, special categories and sources. The subject of financial law is the relationship that is formed as a result of the relevant activities of the state. It includes the formation, distribution and use of funds.

The main part of this industry isbudget law. Special disciplines are included in this discipline. With their help, the RF budget law establishes the structure of the corresponding system in the state. The list of expenses and incomes is formed, the order of their distribution among different types of budgets. Discipline defines the budgetary rights of the state as a whole, as well as its subjects, units of administrative and territorial nature, provides the process regulation, and also establishes the procedure for the formation and application of extrabudgetary funds for the financial provision of social, economic development of the state and other public needs.

The subjects in the framework of this industry include the state as a whole, municipal and state formations, territories, regions, autonomous okrugs and regions, cities, villages, settlements and others.

Budget law is designed to regulate relationsbetween the said entities, as well as executive and representative bodies arising on the basis of the formation, distribution and application of funds of administrative-territorial and state units of general value.

The norms of this discipline are subdivided into procedural and material.

The budget law in material norms fixesthe structure of the corresponding system in the state, a list of expenditures and revenues, their distribution, and so on. Procedural provisions regulate the procedure for reviewing, drawing up, approving and implementing the scheme of incomes and expenditures of both state and local significance, as well as the procedure for the formation and approval of reporting on the implementation of articles.

Public relations, which are regulatedspecified norms, acquire a special status. Budget law gives them all the relevant features. Along with this, these relations also have certain peculiarities. They are peculiar only to the sphere of finance. The legislation contains a list of relevant legal relations. They include the following:

1. Forming between the subjects and non-budgetary funds for the implementation of municipal and state borrowings, the regulation of municipal and public debt in the generation of income and the implementation of expenditures by the articles of all levels of the system.

2. Originating in the preparation and review of projects of income and expense items of all levels, approval and implementation, as well as control over the implementation of articles.

3. Forming in determining the legal status of the parties involved in the process, the regulatory framework for the procedure and conditions for bringing to responsibility for violations of relevant articles of legislation.

Inter-budgetary relations are those thatarise between state bodies of the country, subjects and administrative-territorial units. Certain principles are used as the basis for the emergence of interactions at appropriate levels. In particular, interbudgetary relations are built on the principle of fixing and allocating costs in accordance with certain articles of the budget system. At the same time, a distinction is made on an ongoing basis, as well as distribution in accordance with the provisional regulations of regulatory revenues.

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