The fungus is coprinus. Unusual properties of mushrooms

Apparently, creating this fungus, coprinus coprinus, incompatible with alcohol, Mother Nature herself was concerned about curing a person from such a disease as drunkenness.

If a sober person eats these mushrooms, friedor stew, nothing will happen to him. But if you use alcohol at this meal, then symptoms of poisoning (diarrhea, vomiting) occur. After a few hours they will disappear, but if you reapply alcohol, even after a day, these unpleasant symptoms will manifest themselves again. After several such repetitions, the drinking person develops a strong aversion to the very kind of alcohol, and unpleasant sensations appear even at the mention of it. In cases when complex treatment of alcoholism is carried out, preparations based on the fungus of the coprinus help to form the correct antialcoholic dominant.

As you can see, this fungus coprinus is one of thethe most interesting representatives of the mushroom kingdom. In translation from the Greek language, the copros is manure. Accordingly, the place of his "residence" - the manure of herbivores, trash heaps, he meets on plant remains, in cattle farms, near roads and on the fringes.

If a person ate a fungus-coprinus in combination withalcohol, the resulting symptoms of poisoning are caused by the action of the tetraethyl-tiuramide-disulphide contained in the fungus, which oxidizes the alcohol introduced into the human body.

In different species of these fungi it contains a different amount. There are 4 species of this fungus - the dung beetle is gray, white, flickering and diffused.

Most of this substance contains gray dung (or Coprinus atramentarius), somewhat less - flickering (or Coprinus micaceus) and minimally diffused (or Coprinus disseminatus).

Scientists from St. Petersburg used a white dung (or fungus coprinus - komatus) and on its basis a drug was developed, curing alcoholism.

White dung was chosen because it worksgently (nausea occurs only occasionally), in contrast to the gray dung, causing unrestrained vomiting. As a result of taking this drug is developed in relation to alcoholic aversion.

There is an easy and rigid scheme for taking thismedicines. In a light scheme for 3 months take in the morning or in the evening for 2 capsules. According to the rigid scheme - the duration of treatment is also 3 months. But in the first month in the morning take 4 capsules and 6 - in the remaining 2 months.

The rigid scheme is applicable for patients with largethe experience of drinking alcohol or in the case if the coding was used from drunkenness. It is possible and unnoticeable in the morning to pour the drug, which is based on the fungus koprinus, in food for a person who consumes alcohol during the day.

The effectiveness of this drug can be judgedbecause after 2 months the amount of consumption of alcoholic beverages will decrease by almost 2 times due to the unwillingness of the body of the drinker to provoke oneself.

In general, the fungi of dung beetles can be said thatthey are conditionally edible. In some places where the copernus fungus grows - on the fringes, on rotting brushwood, in glades, in felling places, in kitchen gardens and in woodlands, you can find a mottled umbrella mongrel with a very pleasant taste and smell, which at first, like a white and gray dung beetle , the cap has an ovoid shape. It is at this stage of growth that the fungus is considered delicate. Here, from it, and prepare different dishes, prepare for future use and dried. This mushroom is noticeable from afar because of the high leg (up to 30 centimeters) and the cap in the shape of an umbrella. At this stage, it is also edible, while fresh. It looks like an umbrella mushroom shaggy or blushing.

Here they are, mushrooms - some are naturalmedicines, and the latter are for delicious and healthy food. In any case, among the mushrooms you can find many unusual and specific species, having studied which everyone can find what he needs.

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