Corporal is a military rank

The army of princes has always been numerous. It included archers, spearmen, horsemen. To make it easier to manage a large squad, the prince appointed colonels, half-heads, centurions, and those at their discretion - the foremen. This continued until the ascent of the Russian throne of Peter the Great and his enthusiasm for overseas adventures. One of the first innovations were new ranks in the army. One of them is the rank of corporal.

What is a corporal?

Innovations occurred gradually, displacingoriginally Russian ranks. In the middle of the fifteenth century, Boris Godunov had several foreign detachments. The mercenaries had their division in military ranks, as well as the system of service, which fully met European standards.

Corporal this

Corporal - this is one of the lowest titlescommand staff. In the modern Russian army, it can be compared with the rank of sergeant, and in the German army of the Third Reich, a non-commissioned officer. In addition, the corporal is the commander in German, Polish, Italian and French. Soldiers called those who stood at the head of the department. Since 1635 it was decided to replace all foreign soldiers with Russian soldiers, because mercenaries did not want to obey direct orders and did them badly.

Chines in the modern army

Over time, the rank of corporal did not go away. It is widely used in the armies of the United States of America, India and Great Britain.

what is corporal

Corporal is a military rank, which can be obtained in two cases:

  • If you excel during the short-term service in the ranks of the country's military forces.
  • If you get training in the training part for the title of junior military commander and pass the testing on the specialty perfectly.

Thus, a corporal is a rank that any serviceman who has a certain period of service in the ranks of the army of his country can receive.

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