All military ranks of the Russian army

The military rank is assigned to a serviceman in accordance with his official position, belonging to one or another type of armed forces.

military ranks of the Russian army

History of military ranks

In Russia, the emergence of permanent militaryformations was associated with the beginning of the use of firearms. After all, in order to learn to use this type of weapon, frequent and regular classes, as well as specific knowledge, were necessary. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia appeared Strelets hundreds, and in them - military ranks. The first military ranks of the Russian army were: Sagittarius, foreman, centurion. However, they were an alloy of the military rank and position held in the military formation. Later, under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, there were two more titles - the Pentecostal and the head. After that, the hierarchy of military ranks began to have the following form:

1. Sagittarius.

2. The foreman.

3. Pentecostal.

4. The centurion.

5. Head.

The ten's manager by modern standards can be equatedto the rank of sergeant or sergeant-major, Pentecostal to the lieutenant, centurion, respectively, to the captain, and the head is the same as the colonel. By the way, under Boris Godunov in foreign military units - companies - there were already ranks of "captain" - captain and "lieutenant" - lieutenant, however in Russian parts these ranks were not used. And by the end of the XVII century during the reign of Peter the Great, the military ranks of the Russian army were replenished with the rank of half-head and colonel, the latter is still used today. In the same period, the regiments of the foreign system were formed. They served both Russian and foreign mercenaries. The system of these units almost corresponded to European ones, and the hierarchy of titles was formed from the following ranks:

I. The soldier.

II. Corporal.

III. Ensign.

IV. Lieutenant (Lieutenant).

V. Captain (captain).

VI. Quartermaster.

VII. Major.

VIII. Lieutenant colonel.

IX. Colonel.

Until 1654, the military ranks of the tsarist Russianthe army did not include the rank of general. For the first time this title was awarded to Avram Leslie Peter the Great for the return of the city of Smolensk. It was this king who introduced this title as an addition to the higher ranks of the state. So the ranks of the general-anshef, the general-field marshal, the general-auditor, etc. appeared.

The hierarchy of ranks in the Imperial Russian army at the beginning of the twentieth century

Generalitat (highest military ranks of the Russian army):

• General - (field marshal, lieutenant, major);

• General from infantry, cavalry, etc.

Staff officers (higher military ranks of the Russian army):

• Colonel;

• Lieutenant-Colonel;

• Major.

Ober-officers (average officers' ranks):

• captain (captain);

• Staff Captain;

• The lieutenant;

• Second Lieutenant (cornet).

Ensigns (lower officers):

• Ensign, sub-ensign and non-commissioned ensign.

Non-commissioned officers:

• sergeant major;

• A non-commissioned officer (senior, junior).


  • corporal;
  • Private.

Military ranks in the modern Russian army (ground forces)
military ranks of the tsarist Russian army

After the October Revolution,the territory of the Russian Empire power councils and the birth of the Soviet Army military charter underwent some changes. A new hierarchy of titles was created, which, in principle, does not differ from the modern one. Below is a list of military ranks of the Russian army.


  • Private and corporal.

Junior staff:

  • Sergeant (junior, senior).
  • Foreman.
  • Ensign (senior).


  • Lieutenant (junior, senior).
  • Captain.
  • Major.

military ranks of the Russian army. Running shoes
Officers commanding staff:

  • Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel.
  • General (-major, lieutenant, colonel, army).

Here is the complete list, which includes all militaryrank of the Russian army. The stitches corresponding to each rank are shoulder-marks, on which it is possible to determine the rank of one or another serviceman.

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