Kizlyar District (Dagestan): geographical location, nature, population and economy

In which part of Russia is the Kizlyar District, what area does it occupy? What nationalities live within it? What does this region of the country produce and what is interesting?

Kizlyar District (Republic of Dagestan): general information

This is one of the largest (both in size andby population) of municipal districts of Dagestan. In its borders today live 73 thousand people. The total area of ​​the district is 3047 sq. Km. km. The city of Kizlyar is the administrative center of the region, although it is not part of it.

The Kizlyar District was established in 1920. Agriculture almost immediately became the main industry specializing in its economy. By the beginning of the 1930s, there were more than 60 agricultural artels. On the eve of the Second World War, the region successfully fulfilled state plans for harvesting grain, grapes and catching fish.

The district is located in the northern part of Dagestan (see Fig. map below). In the south, it borders directly with the Babaurtovskiy district of the republic, in the west - with Chechnya, and in the north - with the Taurmov district. The latter, by the way, in 1963-1965 was part of the modern Kizlyar district. In the east, its territory is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea.

Kizlyar District

Natural conditions of the region

This territory is withinThe Caspian lowland and is completely located below sea level. Southern border of the region is the Terek River. It is here that it flows into the Caspian Sea, forming a vast delta. More precise location of the area on the map of Russia you can see below.

Dagestan Kizlyar District

Landscapes within the Kizlyar District are quite diverse. Here you can meet and boggy meadows, coastal seas and solonchak deserts.

The climate of the Kizlyar district is very specialaridity. The average annual rainfall here rarely exceeds 300 mm. Natural moisture is not enough for agriculture, so local agriculture is fully irrigated. This is one of the warmest regions of Dagestan. The frost-free period lasts 204 days, the average annual temperature is +11 degrees.

The area has a thick hydrographicnetwork. However, most of the rivers and streams do not carry their water to the sea, being lost in the sands and swamps of the Caspian lowland. The bowels of this region are rich in mineral thermal waters. Some wells are used for recreational purposes and for heating houses.

Vegetation of the area is poor. Only in the south-western part of it there are forests. In the river valleys, thickets of cane and reeds are common.

Kizlyar District of Dagestan: Population and Economy

The population of the region is steadily growing (for the lastten years the number of its inhabitants has increased by almost 10 thousand people). Here live representatives of different nationalities and ethnic groups. They are Avars (47%), Dargins (19%), Russians (12%), Nogais (5%), Lezgins, Laks, Azeris and others. Within the region there are 84 villages.

The Kizlyar District is distinguished by a high level of development of agriculture. By and large, only agro-industrial enterprises and farms work here. In the district, in particular, it is developed:

  • viticulture;
  • fishing;
  • livestock breeding (transhumance);
  • grain economy;
  • vegetable growing.

The village of Kizlyar

Unique Agrakhan Wildlife Refuge

In the territories of three districts of Dagestan -Kizlyar, Kirov and Babaurtovskogo there is a unique Agrakhan nature reserve. The nearest settlement is the village of Staro-Terechnoe. From Kizlyar you can get here by bus.

What is so interesting about this reserve? Almost the entire area (and this is 390 sq. Km.) Is covered with reeds. In these natural conditions a special ecosystem was formed. Of the 200 species of birds of the Agrakhan wildlife sanctuary 40 are listed in the Red Book. It is home to the Caucasian otter, dressing, red deer, curly pelican, raccoon dog and other interesting representatives of the fauna. True, it's not so easy to see them. Dense and high thickets of reeds reliably hide all life from human eyes.

Dagestan "Thomas Edison" from the village of Tsvetkovka

Flowers - a fairly large village in Kizlyardistrict, located 15 kilometers from the administrative center. There lives an amazing man, the inventor-self-taught Magomed Izudinov. Or just a "wizard", as it is called fellow villagers.

Kizlyar District Republic of Dagestan

Magomed revives the old agriculturaltechnique, breathing new life into it. The Dagestan inventor has already created over 50 machines and units, which greatly facilitated the work of local farmers. In particular, he designed a unique machine, capable of producing up to 3000 bricks per day. The pride of the collection is the multifunctional tractor DT-75 with built-in MAZ engine, which performs a wide range of field works.

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