Kanye West: height, weight, brief biography. Personal life of a musician

A huge number of scandals created thisexecutor. However, both hot-tempered and talented Kanye West. Growth, weight, other parameters and gossip about personal life interest fans. Every day in the media there are news about this artist or his family.

Kanye West: biography (main events)

The future famous performer was born on June 8, 1977year in Georgia. When West was three years old, his parents dissolved the marriage. His mother took him, and they moved to Chicago. As a child, Kanye West was no different from all the boys. He also played basketball and went to a regular school. In adolescence, he became interested in music. He begins to write poetry and even picks tunes to them on the synthesizer. In my head I thought about the musician's career. However, Kanye saw and understood that in this business is very tough competition.

Kanye West photo

Not fully confident in his abilities, West decides to enter the University of Chicago, in which his mother also worked as a teacher.

However, he could not finish his studies, as obsession with music took over. Therefore, sent to New York Kanye West.

The height of the performer is 177 centimeters. Although in photographs it seems higher. The body weight of 70 kilograms is Kanye West. Growth and other parameters are in excellent proportion, which allows the musician to look always stylish.

Personal life

The first known media girl performer wasBrooke Kretendon. Young people met for two years, but their union crashed. Then Kanye spent a year and a half in a romantic relationship with Alexis Feifer. The girl threw it, and the musician painfully worried about it.

Since 2008, West meets with Amber Rose. The model managed to keep him for two years next to him. However, she could not resist the fascinating Kim Kardashian, who took her away from her.

In 2004 the performer got acquainted with the starreality show. At that time there was no sympathy between Kim and Kanye. But after eight years they begin to meet. And in 2013 they had a common child - the North girl.

Nine months after the birth of the baby, Kim and Kanye West married. Growth of it visually seems more, especially when the performer is next to his tiny wife.

Kanye West Growth Weight

After Kim Kardashian gave the performer the successor - Seint. Kanye and his wife are currently raising two beautiful kids and are thinking about the appearance of the third.

Career artist

When Kanye moved to New York, the youngThere was no money for renting a person, and he left his golden chain as a security. Kanye West for a long time tried to break through and get to know the right people. Let not immediately, but he succeeded. After that he starts working with famous musicians, such as Jay Zee, Alisha Kiz, Janet Jackson and others. The first was especially happy to cooperate with Kanye West. Indeed, thanks to his texts, the collection of Jay Z has become twice platinum. To date, men have recorded several duets and maintain friendly relations.

 kanye west biography

In 2002, West gets into an auto accident and getsserious injury to the jaw. After this misfortune, he completely revised his life. So, Kanye decided to get out of the shadows and become an independent performer. In the songs he put his feelings and feelings, it was pointless to give them to another musician, because they described his whole life. The first CD of Kanye West became three times platinum.


Due to the complex nature behind the performerThe fame of a quick-tempered star has become fixed. Kanye West was even arrested. In 2008, together with his bodyguard, he beat the photographer. The camera cost $ 10,000 broke Kanye West. The artist's photo appeared on all the news the next day. However, his conduct was assessed by the judge as an offense and assigned only $ 20,000 in fine.

Another known scandal was the ban on writing articles to "white" journalists about "black music". He justified it by the fact that they simply can not evaluate it in full.

Kanye West Growth

Kanye repeatedly unflatteringly spoke about his former lover Amber Rose, who, in turn, is not tired of quarreling with the artist's wife.

Many are concerned about the mental state of the musician. However, there is an opinion that Kanye West arranges scandals only in order to attract attention to his person.

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