Methods of Philosophy

Philosophy is a discipline that studiesthe basic principles of cognition, the existence of man, reality, the relationship of the world and man. Any subject and method of philosophy is unique in its own way. In principle, the whole of this science can be called unique and unusual.

What is the subject of philosophy

It is understood as a certain range of issues studied in this discipline. The structure of the general structure of the subject has traditionally included:

  • ontology;
  • human;
  • society;
  • knowledge.

Particular issues, the study of which deals with philosophy, quite a lot. It:

  • the origin of being;
  • the essence of being;
  • nature;
  • the spiritual world of man;
  • features of cognition;
  • society;
  • the relationship between consciousness and matter;
  • the unconscious;
  • conscious;
  • the social sphere of society and so on.

Methods of philosophy are also numerous. Let us note that by them are meant the ways, as well as the means that help to carry out various kinds of philosophical studies.

Basic Philosophy Methods

Among the main methods in this case include:

  • dialectics;
  • metaphysics;
  • dogmatism;
  • eclecticism;
  • sophistry;
  • hermeneutics.

Let's look at these methods of philosophy in more detail.

Dialectic is a method of philosophicalA study in which phenomena, as well as things, are considered critically, flexibly, very consistently. That is, with such a study, attention is drawn to all the changes that are taking place. The events that led to the changes that took place are taken into account. Much attention is paid to the issue of development.

The method of philosophy, which is the direct opposite of dialectics, is called metaphysics. When objects are considered:

  • Statically - that is, changes, as well as development, do not play any role during the research;
  • independent of other things and phenomena;
  • unambiguously - that is, when searching for absolute truth, attention is not paid to contradictions.

Methods of philosophy include alsodogmatism. The essence of it is reduced to the perception of the surrounding world through the prism of peculiar dogmas. These dogmas are accepted beliefs, which can not be retreated from a single step. They are absolute in character. Let's note. That this method was inherent in the first place medieval theological philosophy. Today, almost never used.

Eclecticism, part of the methods of philosophy, is basedon the arbitrary connection of various, disparate, completely uncoated facts, concepts, concepts, as a result of which one can come to superficial, but relatively believable, seemingly authentic conclusions. This method is often used to create private ideas that help change the mass consciousness. With reality these ideas have little in common. Earlier this method was used in religion, today it is very popular among advertisers.

The method, which is based on the deduction of false,filed under the guise of true, new premises that are logically true, but with a distorted meaning. The thoughts embodied in them do not correspond to reality, but are beneficial to persons using this method. In other words, the Sophists studied ways of introducing a person into delusions during a dialogue. Sophistics was widespread in ancient Greece. Those who were in it were practically invincible in the dispute.

The basic methods of philosophy endhermeneutics. This method is based on the correct reading, as well as interpretation of the meaning of the texts. Hermeneutics is the science of understanding. A method widely used in Western philosophy.

There are additional methods of philosophy. They are also its directions. It is about materialism, idealism, rationalism, empiricism.

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