Air filters for cars: types and benefits

To increase the efficiency of combustion, certain conditions are created, among which the use of purified air is worth noting. This function is performed by air filters for cars.

air filters for cars


Oxygen is necessary for full combustionfuel in the engine. At the same time, it must be clean and act in large enough quantities. The device for solving this problem was created at the dawn of the automotive industry. As a result of the intensive run and various tests it became clear that the engine should be equipped with a special protection, reducing the likelihood of breakdowns and prolonging the period of operation.

Air filters for cars can havedifferent external performance. Despite this, the principle of operation is always unchanged: through a special branch pipe, air enters the housing inside which the filter element is located. Particles of dust flow on it while flowing, and clean air enters the collector of the motor.


Since the creation of this detail, there have been many varieties that differ in the following characteristics:

  • number of stages of filtration;
  • Operating conditions;
  • material for the manufacture of the filter element;
  • method of filtration (cyclone, direct flow, inertial-oil);
  • design (flat, square or round shape).

The most widespread were such speciesfilters, as zero resistance, paper and inertial-oil. Currently, special attention is paid to the increase in mileage, so manufacturers take various measures to less often change the air filter. A car-day is a measure of the quality of the work of transport, which is also taken into account when calculating the operating time of the filter in industrial conditions.

frequently change the car air filter

A device with a paper base

The most popular option can be calledPaper filter, which is based on corrugated material. Its structure allows you to retain fine particles and moisture on the fibers, while the air passes through it unhindered. The service life is estimated in the run and is within 15 thousand kilometers. If the car is used infrequently, the device must be replaced every two years. Low cost is the main advantage, also worth noting is the light weight, quick installation and easy use. But air filters for cars are not without flaws. They are exposed to moisture and mechanical stress. Due to the low strength of the paper base, they become unusable when the corrugated element is damaged. Also, the throughput characteristics of the filter have the property to decrease with time due to surface contamination, this negatively affects the performance of the engine.

replacing car air filter


Such an air filter of the car GAZ and otherbrands has also acquired sufficient distribution. It has a simple design: mineral oil acts as a filtering base and is located in a separate housing through which the air stream passes, while all contaminants and small particles remain in the oil. The main feature of this option is the possibility of reusable application. Since the degree of contamination of the oil component has a direct effect on the degree of blockage of the device, after using the oil resource, it is sufficient to rinse the structure and fill it with a new formulation on a mineral basis. But today such a device is used increasingly less often because of the low degree of purification and large mass.

manufacture of air filters for cars

Zero Resistance Filter

Most often it can be found in sportstuned cars. It has some similarities with the paper version. Foam inserts used as a filtering part are the main difference. Such devices provide active air intake to the motor, while it is pumped almost without delays, due to which the necessary volume of air is regularly received. They are also excellent for machines equipped with turbocharged and boosted motors. Due to high efficiency, the engine's power after installation of the device significantly increases. In the process of working such air filters for cars make a noticeable noise - this is their only drawback. In this case, this parameter is irrelevant for the power units formed.

how to clean the car air filter

Frequency of filter replacement

The frequency of device replacement depends on the set offactors and operating conditions. Also it is worth taking into consideration the manufacturer's recommendations. It is believed that the replacement of the air filter of the car should be made every 10 thousand kilometers. In most cases this is true, but in winter and when the machine is inactive, the device may change less frequently.

Operating conditions are critical. Regular installation of new elements is necessary for frequent exposure to dust and driving on dirt roads, in this case the motor will last longer and will be protected from harmful effects. With intensive use of auto you can focus on its behavior and controllability. There are basic signs that indicate the need to replace the filter:

  • reduction of power characteristics;
  • Exhaust gases contain an increased amount of carbon dioxide;
  • The fuel consumption becomes more in comparison with the previous period.

The appearance of such characteristics is extremely undesirable, since it is much easier and cheaper to install a new filter element than to repair the motor.

What you need to know

The basis of the filter also affects the periodicity of its replacement, since the type of material determines the rate of its contamination. Earlier manufacture of air filters for cars was limited to using a paper base withspecial impregnation, today it was replaced by a synthetic, more durable material. So the manufacturers were able to achieve a significant increase in the life of the filter element.

car air filter gas

How to clean the car air filter

It is believed that devices of this kind can beuse again after cleaning. And if this is true with respect to the oil filter, then the variant with a paper base is not suitable. This device is designed for a certain period of operation, carrying out such measures is not capable of significantly increasing it, and the risk of damaging the structure at the most inopportune moment increases.

If there is an extreme need for cleaningand the lack of the possibility of purchasing a new filter it needs to be removed from the car and carefully knock out large clumps of dust. If there is a compressor, you can do without removing the device. Then the base is cleaned with a conventional vacuum cleaner. After carrying out all work, the structure must be inspected carefully to ensure that there is no damage. The number of such cleanings can be unlimited, most often they are resorted to in the summer and before long trips.

Despite the fact that the filter can visuallylook clean, its functioning will be less efficient, and the engine will receive poorly purified air. To avoid unnecessary problems, it is necessary to make a replacement in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers, especially since new, even the best air filters of cars are not so expensive.

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