Weekly thematic planning on the topic "How do frogs winter"

Weekly thematic planning gainsthe relevance of conducting classes with children of preschool and primary school age. The educational material, which must be learned, is evenly distributed over all activities, is fixed in different activities.

Weekly thematic planning:

1) The theme "How to winter a frog" iscomponent of a larger educational section "How do animals hibernate". For each species of animals, a time interval corresponding to the specific period of preparation of wild animals for winter is allocated.

2) At the beginning of the week the teacher creates an atmosphere in whichindoors, exciting children's interest in this topic: in the corner of books there are works about frogs, in the corner of drawing - illustrations to works and books that help to properly depict a frog. Books, albums, paintings cause curiosity in children, the need to ask questions.

3) Preschoolers should already have knowledge about other inhabitants of reservoirs, so the topic of frogs can be planned by the teacher immediately after the thematic week "How do the fishes winter".

4) On the first day of the week, all classes are connecteda single theme: children read cognitive stories about frogs, in free hours they make jumping frogs from paper (origami technique), in physical education, the image of the frog becomes the main one, so the teacher trains the students in long jumps from the place. Preschoolers memorize poems on the topic, conduct observations of the animal.

5) Such immersion in the subject causes an increased interest in children to the object of study. The teacher waits until the children have a question "How do frogs winter?", Which becomes the theme of the main occupation.

Methods of conducting a lesson based on fairy tales

The teacher suggests that children be called folk orauthor's tales, where the image of a frog is present. Children remember the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" or "The Frog Traveler" by VM Garshin. Depending on which fairy tale is the most interesting for children, an activity is built.

Only one fragment of the fairy tale is selected, which reflects the features of the frog's life: swamp, water, mosquitoes and midges, wet soil.

If children have chosen a fairy tale"Frog Traveler", you can tell them about the migration of animals on the eve of winter, show slides about the movement of animals from places of feeding to the place of wintering. Thus, the fairy tale becomes a version of a true narration that frogs are able to return to their native reservoir, even if they are carried away for more than a kilometer.

The tutor shows the children special signsfor drivers of vehicles that cross the area of ​​migration of animals in the autumn period. It suggests ways to protect animals from death when they move in large groups and can get under the wheels of a car: laying tunnels under motor roads, creating dams and lakes near their summer habitat.

The teacher does not give accurate information about howwinter frogs, and invites children to consider different species of amphibians and try to guess where the frogs hide in the winter from frost and frost. The correct answers of children are supplemented by the teacher, confirmed by slides or illustrations, because the wintering place can be in the burrow, and in the thick of the silt at the bottom of the pond, and in the hollow of the tree.

The older the children, the more details about the wintering of frogs can be reported in the lesson: the decrease in body temperature, the protection of their mucus, the restoration of vital activity in the spring.

Thematic week may endentertainment or a quiz of knowledge about frogs. In the hall, a thematic exhibition of hand-made articles, drawings, applications and projects on the topic "How do frogs winter"? Children compete, play, guess riddles, and their knowledge on this topic becomes more complete and sustainable.

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