Methodology of the subject teaching: thematic planning in the Russian language

Thematic planning is one of the most importantstages of the organization of the educational process. Each object has its own specificity. However, there are also common standards, which the teacher must adhere to in his work.

Drawing up of thematic planning

thematic planning in the Russian language
Thematic planning in the Russian languageis compiled either for each half year, or immediately for a whole year. Before proceeding to the process, the teacher must take the head of the school's schedule a precise vacation schedule so that these days do not fall into the plan as educational. Next, you should consider various holidays and other red dates, which can be declared days off. When the rules of the educational process become clear enough, you can start working. However, the dates of the lessons should still be pre-marked with a pencil. Usually in the first two or three weeks of the new school year, the schedule is "floating", and only after this deadline a solid schedule is established.

Type and structure of the document

calendar thematic planning in the Russian language
Thematic planning in the Russian language, asand for any other subject, is an important document describing the degree of mastery of the teacher working material, knowledge of the fundamental methodological principles and understanding of the main concept of teaching. The presence of a standardized sample allows some deviations depending on the personal preferences of the teacher, since teaching is a creative process, and the personal factor plays an important role in it. So, thematic planning in the Russian language involves the inclusion of such graphs as the date of the lesson, the number of the lesson on the list, the topic of the lesson, the main objectives of the lesson, the types of work of the students, the lessons of control and correction of knowledge, creative work. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail. The date is a specific calendar number when the lesson is to be held. Records in the class journal must coincide with the records in the plan. Thematic planning in the Russian language reflects the numbers of lessons on the list, so that there is no shortage or busting of the hours on a particular topic, i.e., that the curriculum is strictly observed. The topic of the lesson is the topic that is being studied in this lesson. It should include the wording of the topic in the textbook, according to which the class is engaged and on the basis of which planning is built. The objectives of the work suggest an indication of what schoolchildren need to learn in 45 minutes of class, what kinds of work to master, what skills to develop.
pourochnoye planning on Russian
Types of work included in the thematicPlanning for the Russian language - this is specifically the types of activities that will be involved in the lesson. For example, work in groups, independent work, collective or individual work, work with charts, cards, etc. Lessons of control and correction are dictations, statements, written interviews of the instructor, fixing and checking knowledge of character. In addition to their required number, the teacher can add several more such lessons to his calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language, taking for them time from backup hours or by shortening the time for studying a topic. Correction is the work on mistakes. After the final control for correction lessons, special hours are allocated. The analysis of the results of the interim control can be made by the teacher in a review in subsequent lessons, the main points, typical errors should always be disassembled. Creative work, she also work on the development of speech - this is a different kind of work and presentation, perhaps with a grammatical task. Naturally, pourochnoye planning for the Russian language should be compiled in strict accordance with the calendar-thematic.

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