Cardiovascular system of fish: how many chambers of the heart in fish

When moving along blood vessels there is an exchangesubstance between it and the tissues of the body. The vascular bed is very long and has many branches that interfere with the normal blood flow. So, to overcome the whole path, it is necessary to set a certain pressure, and it is the heart that creates it.

The structure of this organ in fish is simpler than that of terrestrialanimals. Knowing how many chambers of the heart in fish and other creatures, you can conduct a comparative analysis. It will make it possible to visually see the differences and similarities of their cardiovascular system.

How many heart chambers do fish have?

How many heart chambers do fish have?

The heart of fish has a small weight, only 0.1% of their body weight, although there are exceptions to this rule. And many still remember the number of heart chambers since the school days. Only two - the atrium and the ventricle. But they have structural differences. According to the general scheme, two types are distinguished, which have similarities and differences.

Both versions have four cavities:

  • Venous sinus;
  • Valvular atrium;
  • ventricle;
  • a kind of education, similar in structure to the arch of the aorta.

Plate-gill has an arterial cone,and in the bony ones - an artery bulb. The difference between these schemes lies in the morphofunctional features of arterial formations and ventricles. In the first case, fish have a fibrous tissue without valves. In fish belonging to lamellarbranch, the arterial cone contains muscle tissue and a system of valves.

What kind of heart do fish have as many chambers

Knowing all this, everyone will know how many camerasthe heart of fish, and what their structure is. Of particular interest is the structure of the myocardium, since it is represented by a homogeneous cardiac tissue. It is thinner than other animals.

Heart work

By how many chambers has the heart of fish, you candetermine the working principle of this body and its rhythms. The heart rate (heart rate) is determined by many factors, including the water temperature and the age of the fish.

For clarity, it is suggested to consider the heart rate of carp at room temperature water.

Fish weight

Heart rate

Young fish 0.02 g


Seventh year 25 g


Two years 500 g


Scientists concluded that the frequency of abbreviationshas a strong influence of water temperature. The colder in the pond, the slower the heart beats. So, at a temperature of 8 ° C, the heart rate is about 25 beats per minute, and at 12 ° C - 40 strokes.


Knowing what kind of heart the fish have and how many chambers in it,you can imagine the number of circles of circulation in them. Due to the fact that the chambers are two, the fish have only one circle of circulation, although blood circulates through it for a long time. The passage of a full circle takes about two minutes, and a person has two laps of blood in 23 seconds.

The movement of blood from the ventricle begins. From there, it enters through the bulb or arterial cone into the abdominal aorta. Blood in this case is divided into two channels, extending to the gill petals. Two arterioles from the lobed artery, which form a capillary network. It merges into one enduring arteriola, and it passes into the outgoing petal artery. The latter form the right and left outgrowth of the gill arteries.

Carotid arteries leave to the head, and gill arteriesform a dorsal aorta that runs along the entire vertebra of the fish. Passing through the whole body, the blood returns to the heart through the venous channel to the venous sinus. The structure of the heart of fish allows you to pump only the venous blood. Passing through the gill apparatus, venous blood produces gas exchange with water.

The vessels of the circulatory system of fish have a valveapparatus. It prevents the return of blood through the channel. The uniformity of its movement is ensured by an even filling of the heart, without sudden fluctuations that are observed in man.

How many chambers has the heart of fish


The structure of the heart of fish is simple. It has only two chambers: the atrium and the ventricle. Uniform filling of the body with blood and strong branching of blood vessels prolong the time of blood passage in a circle. And in the cold water will take more time to pass blood in a circle.

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