Vascular dystonia - what is it?

Today, increasingly, the cause of various kindsVeins are vascular dystonia. What it is? This is a number of functional disorders in which the nervous system is not able to regulate the vascular tone of the human body. Signs of this pathology can be detected in almost everyone. However, many do not even know about it.

vascular dystonia is what it is

Vascular dystonia: what is it and how is it manifested?

Symptoms of this condition can be the following:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • headache;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in the heart;
  • redness or pallor of the face;
  • loss of consciousness.

Such phenomena can occur periodically, manifested by attacks and crises or be of a permanent nature.

In modern medicine, the term "vascular dystonia" is not regarded as an independent disease. It includes a number of symptoms of a certain organic pathology.

cardiovascular dystonia in children

Vascular dystonia in adults occursoften. According to statistics, the disease is diagnosed in 80% of the world's population. Nearly half of these cases require neurological or therapeutic care.

Vascular dystonia in children has its ownfeatures and can manifest itself with a poor appetite, increased capriciousness, conflict. Children with this diagnosis are often sick for a long time. If the child is diagnosed with "vascular dystonia", then it is recommended to eliminate stress and exercise if possible. But the daily exercise, on the contrary, will only benefit.

You should immediately contact a doctor,if you find yourself or your child signs of such a pathology as vascular dystonia. What is really the symptoms of this deviation can only be confirmed or denied by an experienced specialist.

Causes of vascular dystonia

The development of this condition in children can be caused by the peculiarity of the course of pregnancy and childbirth: fetal hypoxia, birth trauma, illness in infancy.

During puberty, vegetative dysfunction can be exacerbated by the fact that body height and the development of internal organs outstrip the full development of neuroendocrine regulation.

In adulthood, vascular dystonia can provoke the effects of stress, chronic diseases, endocrine diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, craniocerebral trauma, hormonal changes.

Treatment of dystonia

cardiovascular dystonia in adults

Timely treatment of this pathology and itsregular prophylaxis in most cases leads to a significant decrease in the characteristic manifestations and normalization of the adaptive abilities of the organism.

Normalization of the working conditions, dosedphysical stress, restriction of emotional influences, elimination of hypodynamia, rational and regular nutrition are the main principles on which therapy of such a condition as vascular dystonia is based. That this is a pathology requiring treatment should not cause any doubts, since an uncontrolled course of dystonia can lead to the development of various kinds of psychological and physical disorders

Positive influence is provided by water procedures, massage, reflexotherapy.

In some cases, drug therapy may be required, selected individually.

Be very attentive to your health and do not miss the slightest signs of a deviation, if you find that, immediately consult a doctor.

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