Tennessee - state in the USA: description and interesting facts

The state of Tennessee, whose photo is below,is located in the southeastern United States. Its total area is about 110 thousand square kilometers. The region enjoys a rather high popularity among tourists. This is not surprising, because here you can find a large number of historical monuments, majestic mountains and incomparable beauty of the lake.

Tennessee state

Origin of the name

The name of the state comes from the language of the Indians. According to the most widespread version now, this was the name of the most numerous local tribe. In addition, a similar name is the largest river in the region. There is another, alternative version of the origin of the name. According to him, in translation from the language of one of the tribes that used to live in the central part of the continent of North America, Tennessee has a name that means "a place for meetings".

It should be noted that in the United States there is a tradition,according to which the administrative regions, in addition to the official name, are also given nicknames. As for Tennessee, it's still customary to call the Volunteer Staff. This is due to the events of the Anglo-American War, which took place in the early nineteenth century. Then the local volunteer forces helped change the course of one of the most important battles that took place near New Orleans. Based on the motto of this state, agriculture and trade are key areas of its activities.


Short story

Tennessee is a state that boasts a veryrich in history. Many years ago, a large number of Indian tribes lived on its territory. The first Europeans who appeared here in 1540 were the Spanish conquistadors. They immediately began to drive local Aborigines west and south. In addition, the region was of great interest to the British. The first of their permanent settlements here is the fort Laudon built in the east. Although the Indians captured it in 1760, representatives of the European continent continued to develop their local territories. During the Revolution, the fighters for independence planned to create a colony of Transylvania, but this idea was not to be realized because of the union of their opponents with the Indians.

As the sixteenth US state of Tennessee proclaimed 1June 1796. At the same time, local Aborigines were resettled to the territory of neighboring Arkansas. It should be noted that the rights of the black population and the poor have been infringed here for a long time. At present, local residents consider this period not the brightest in history.

Tennessee photo

Geographical position

Tennessee has a land border with eight suchstates like North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and Missouri. The river of the same name divides the region into the western, eastern and middle parts. The first of them is characterized mainly by mountainous territory. It is here that the Tennessee River and several ridges are born. It should be noted and the fact that the local valleys are highly fertile. The middle part of the state is mainly located on the Cumberland Plateau, whose height is about 500 meters above sea level. In eastern Tennessee there is a large number of caves. This part of the state is distinguished by the presence of dense forests.


As archaeological research shows,The first people on the territory of modern Tennessee appeared about twelve thousand years ago. Before the European colonizers settled here, the local lands belonged to the Indian tribes, the Cherokee, the Yuchi, the Muskogee and others being the most famous among them. The population of the state, as of today, is almost 6.5 million people. According to this indicator, he is at the seventeenth position in the country. The density of population reaches a mark of 59 people per square kilometer. In terms of racial distribution, 77% are white, 17% are African American, 5% are Hispanic. Indigenous people and other races account for about 1%. As for the religious sign, 8 out of 10 local citizens profess Christianity, and one in ten is an atheist.

city ​​in Tennessee


The most important city in the state of Tennessee isNashville. Its population is about 630 thousand people. According to this indicator, it is only in second place. The future metropolis was founded in 1779. Prior to it, the status of the administrative center was worn by cities such as Knoxville, Kingston and Murfreesboro. Now they remain quite large by the standards of the state and are very popular among tourists. One of the most beautiful and at the same time the largest local city with a population of 700 thousand inhabitants is Memphis. Tennessee is also famous for its small and numerous villages, each of which is unique in its own way. All of them have their own interesting places and deserve due attention.


For most of the region is characteristiccontinental subtropical climate, and for the mountains - continental, wet its type. Summer in the state is hot, and winter is warm. The thermometer's column in July is at a mark, on average 25 degrees, and in January does not fall below 5 degrees. The annual rainfall in the region is approximately 1150 millimeters.

Memphis State of Tennessee


Tennessee - a state in which there is no economyany dominant industry. Quite developed areas in recent years have been industry, agriculture, the financial sector and tourism. Local factories fully meet the needs of the state's population in food, textiles, chemicals, medical equipment and other goods. A significant part of the products produced is sold in neighboring regions and abroad. Several hydropower stations operate in the valley of the same river. It should be noted and the fact that it is here that Jack Daniel "s is made - a world-famous whiskey brand.

Interesting Facts

Tennessee - the state in whose territory thethe largest earthquake in the history of America. Now it is known as the New Madrid. The popular lake of Rilphouth was formed as a result of it.

The local city of Chattanooga is the place where for the first time in history, the Coca-Cola drink was produced and bottled.

America Tennessee

A member of Congress from this state named Andrew Johnson after the tragic death of Abraham Lincoln was elected US president.

According to official data, the local town of Bristol is the birthplace of such a direction in music, like country.

Tennessee is the state that is the only region in the world with the right to produce a unique corn whiskey. It is called - Tenneessee Whiskey.

The Museum of Civil Law is located in Memphis, within the walls of the former motel "Lorraine". It was here in 1968 that Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered.

The largest American underground lake, which is known as the "Lost Sea", is located in the city of Twitworth, Tennessee.

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