Pennsylvania is the staff of the cornerstone. Interesting facts about the state of Pennsylvania, cities and attractions

The state of Pennsylvania on the map of the USA can be seen innorth-eastern region of the state. The main industrial city here is Pittsburgh, whose surroundings are very rich in huge deposits of various minerals. As of today, the state is one of the most developed regions throughout the country.

Pennsylvania on the map

The first Europeans

Pennsylvania is the state where the first settlers fromEurope became the Dutch and the Swedes. In 1681, the English Quaker William Penn received as a gift from King Charles II a spacious territory that was located on the west side of the Delaware River. A year later he founded a colony, which later became a refuge for Protestants and other persons who were persecuted for their faith. After a while, William founded the city of Philadelphia, which eventually became one of the most developed in the United States.

Civil War and Independence

At a time when civil war wascovered the whole of North America, Pennsylvania took an active part in it and was at the very epicenter of the fighting. Here his representatives spoke on the side of the "northerners". Many historians argue that the turning point in the confrontation was a battle that occurred near to Gettysburg in July-the month of 1863. As a result of the battle nearly 43 thousand people died on both sides.

In 1776, a formal constitution was adoptedstaff. Then in Philadelphia, during the second continental congress, the Declaration of Independence was signed. Eleven years later, the Federal Constitution was ratified. Pennsylvania is a state for which the post-war time was marked by the most rapid industrial and economic development, the consolidation of the ruling state forces, and the population growth, compared with other regions.

America Pennsylvania

Political device

The local capital is the city of Harrisburg. It has about 530 thousand inhabitants. According to the current political arrangement, Pennsylvania is a state governed by a bicameral parliament. It consists of 50 deputies of the legislative assembly (they are re-elected every four years), as well as 203 deputies of the House of Representatives (they are elected every two years). There is also a governor here. The term of office is four years, and you can only be re-elected once. It should be noted that, since the fifties of the last century, "Republicans" and "Democrats" are represented in the Parliament of Pennsylvania in approximately the same ratio.

The judiciary in the region belongs to the Supremethe court. It consists of a chairman and six members. They are elected for a period of ten years. Among other things, the state is divided at the local level into 66 separate districts. At the head of each of them is a council of three justices of the peace.


Officially called the staff of the CommonwealthPennsylvania. So it is indicated in all state documents and on maps. The region has a reputation for being an excellent place, which is perfect for study, work and leisure. Together with this, one must not forget that he is the birthplace of US independence. In connection with this, a fairly common and almost second official one was another name, which Pennsylvania has - "the staff of the cornerstone" (in other words, the "Keystone State"). In this name lies the great love and respect of the inhabitants of the country to the region, which played one of the main roles in the victory of the American Revolution.

Pennsylvania Keystone State

Pennsylvania in our time

As of today, Pennsylvania -State, which in the US is one of the most prosperous. Its population is more than twelve million people. This is the sixth indicator in the country. The basis for the local economy is agriculture. In addition to it, such industries as high-tech production and mining industry are quite developed.

The staff can boast a rather low levelcrime and unemployment, a high standard of living for local citizens, as well as first-class health and education systems. All these aspects rightfully call Pennsylvania an excellent place for all activities and recreation. People feel comfortable and cozy both in large megacities, and in small remote communities.

Pennsylvania state

Sightseeing, tourism and leisure

The largest and most developed megacities thathas the state of Pennsylvania, - the city of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. They are the largest industrial and port centers of the region. There is nothing surprising in that it is on their territory that most of the local attractions are concentrated. Thanks to its rich history and beautiful scenery, the state attracts annually more than one hundred million tourists. They have the opportunity to visit about 120 national parks and ten thousand square meters of forests.

One of the most interesting places fortravelers are the world-famous battlefield and the Eisenhower House, located in Gettysburg. Winemaking is a separate line in the local economy and history. In this regard, a significant proportion of the tourism sector is concentrated on this aspect. For tourists who visit the state, there are a number of relevant routes. Among other things, every year in the region there are fairs and festivals that are dedicated to winemaking.

Pennsylvania city

Interesting Facts

Pennsylvania is the onlythe mid-Atlantic state in the United States, which lacks access to the sea. Whatever it was, this did not prevent the region from becoming one of the main political and economic centers of the state even at the dawn of its existence.

In the North American region, the state was one of the first to enact a law related to the liberation of slaves. It happened in 1790.

The motto of the state of Pennsylvania sounds like "Freedom, virtue and independence!".

In the US, each of the states has its own symbols. For Pennsylvania, such are the flower of the mountain laurel, the fish of the palia and the Pennsylvanian firefly. Do not forget that it is here that the world-famous marmot Phil, predicting the weather, dwells.

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