What is the economic basis of local government

The activity of self-government bodies in anythe region directly depends on its material base, on the financial resources that the bodies have, on what are the economic foundations of local government. For example, if in a rural school the payment for heating, catering for children in the canteen, payment for teachers' circle work lies entirely on the local authorities and is not sponsored from above, there will most likely be problems in all these areas. As a rule, taxes and other fees on the ground are not so great as to provide all the needs and requirements from the local budget. That is why the gas will be economically saved, and the pupils, along with the teachers, will freeze. Eat in the dining room children will have a monotonous and meager, cheaper. Many circles can not function - there is nothing to pay for the work of teachers. Students will suffer because their interests, needs can not be realized, and teachers: their workload will be incomplete, and the salary will be cut back.

The economic basis of local self-governmentincludes the right to independently manage all types of municipal property, to formulate, approve, use the local budget, establish local taxes. Without an economic platform, there can be no question of any local self-government. That is why the Constitution establishes the basic economic rights of local authorities.

Thus, the economic basis of local self-government is:

• all property that is inmunicipal property. These can be enterprises, banks and other financial organizations, educational institutions, health-related institutions or those related to the cultural department, municipal sports institutions, etc .;

• a local budget with all its resources;

• property rights of municipal entities.


Under local government it is customary to understandthe activity of citizens and special organizations, legalized by the Constitution, for solving various social, economic and other issues directly on their territory.

The role of the basis of local self-government is fulfilled by alleconomic, social, legal conditions ensuring the activity of local government and realizing the right of citizens of their country to participate in solving issues of local importance. They are divided into social, legal, economic and organizational.

All legal norms that determine the activity of the local government on the social security of citizens in municipal formations refer to social bases.

The economic basis of local government - thoselegislative norms and rules that have consolidated and regulated public relations in the sphere of financial planning and budgeting for solving local economic issues.

Under the legal framework is understood the commonality of legal and legal norms that regulate and regulate all issues of local self-government.

Organizational same foundations contain legal norms that consolidate and regulate relations in society to realize the opportunities and rights of citizens related to participation in self-government.

Real opportunities for self-government

Municipalities are urban and ruralpopulated areas, as well as districts, city districts, intracity territories of cities with federal status. Citizens can basically realize their right to self-government in small municipal units in small areas. In larger entities, the entire economic basis of local self-government is subordinate to the local administration, which takes on all rights and obligations, as well as to those self-governing bodies that are allowed by the charter of municipal units. They solve property, financial issues, improvement issues and many others. But since all this is done on behalf of citizens, it is necessary to form an active life position among the population, a sense of master and an understanding that local self-government should protect and observe, first of all, their interests, because they are considered by law to be owners of municipal property.

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