How to apply to the local government?

The body of local self-government
Local government ismunicipal or district power structures that carry out economic, territorial and administrative management in the territory entrusted to them. In Russia, such structures are the city and district administrations, as well as city dumas, which have authority. It is a question of selective municipal formations entrusted with the right to resolve all issues related to the territorial development of local communities, urban or regional economy, and social infrastructure. It should be emphasized that, despite the usual definition of "city authorities", municipalities are not endowed with political rights, which, in theory, allows them to fully focus on solving local socio-economic problems.

According to the law on local self-governmentmunicipal entities may form a separate body of local self-government and grant it their own powers. The main requirement is the solution of problems of local importance and representation of public interests of the population in state administrations.

Depending on its competence, the local government has the right:

  • Appeal of citizens to local self-government bodies
    provide local budget revenues - through the collection of taxes, deductions from the state budget, fines and other payments;
  • erect, build, sell and rent premises that are in communal ownership;
  • receive subsidies from enterprises located on the territory of the municipality (profit from the municipal share in enterprises located in the entrusted territory);
  • commercially use a housing stock that is in communal ownership;
  • to create or abolish social infrastructure enterprises (hospitals, schools, kindergartens, etc.);
  • to reorganize the enterprises for the maintenance and administration of local communications (for example, to create a local government body for the support and management of sewage systems, electric networks);
  • build and maintain roads of municipal importance.

Appeals of citizens to local self-government bodies are formalized in accordance with the requirements established by the local administration.

The letter is drawn up with an indication of the department,department or structure of the addressee. Specify the address of the sender - where the reply should be sent. If the appeal is made in electronic form, then the electronic and real addresses of the sender are indicated.

The local government, where the letter is sent, has the right to review the request within 30 days. During this period a complete list of answers to all questions is provided.

local government is
The answer is given in writing on the official letterhead of the local government.

After the request is considered, a decision is made whether to give official status to the problem indicated in the appeal or not.

In any case, local officials do not have the rightTo ignore citizens' appeals if they are duly executed, with all bureaucratic norms being observed. If the local government does not accept official requests, all grounds for appealing to the prosecutor's office appear.

And remember that officials need to speak their language.

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