Words with unstressed vowels. Impudent vowels. Unverifiable unstressed vowel

The Russian language is known to be one of the richest inworld. The lexical structure is so diverse that in addition to the generally accepted rules, there are additional provisions, exceptions and other tools that facilitate the graphic representation of oral speech. Orthography combines rules on how to correctly write words and their significant parts. The discipline contains information about hyphens and separate inscriptions, the use of capital letters and methods of transfer. The entire system is also called spelling. There are three principles of constructing constructive elements of speech: morphological, phonetic and semantic. In this article we will consider some basic rules that contain the language (Russian).

Blinded vowel: general information

Using graphics, spelling formsthe inscription of words in one correct image and grammatical form. Thanks to this system, the designs have a single graphic image. It usually has a certain value that is not associated with the sound side of the speech element. All unstressed vowels in the root can be divided into several groups. Each of them has its own rules. In this article, let's look at what words with unstressed vowels are like.

what unstressed vowels

Common Cases

Let's start studying unstressed vowels, verifiablestress. Let us analyze the term for a start. Checked unstressed vowels are elements that cause certain doubts when writing in a number of cases. To eliminate these complexities, there are words in which dubious sounds are in a strong position. Thanks to this, the writer sees how to write unstressed vowels correctly in the root. For example: water (water) or heat (heat), fox (foxes). In these speech elements there are verifiable unstressed vowels.

unverifiable unstressed vowel

Vocabulary structures

Above we described the unstressed vowel of the root,verified by accent. Let us consider the cases when there is no construction in the speech in which it would be clear how to write the letter in the "weak" position. That is, there is an unverifiable unstressed vowel. Such elements are in sufficient quantity in the reference literature. They need to be remembered. This, for example, what words? Vulnerable vowels exist both in borrowed and in originally Russian designs: vinaigrette, utilitarian, frontage, privilege. In the same list you can include words antagonism, beefsteak, cannonade, initiative, macaque. This includes the words briolin, demagogue, holster, badminton, airship, bondage, criminology, panorama, optimism, panegyric. Also in the list there are enough known concepts: confusion, obsession, lobby, bagpipes, delicacy, depreciation, waste paper, a chance. An unverifiable unstressed vowel is present in such elements as: plasticine, range, ring, charm, kosche, tunnel, aboriginal, esperanto. And this is not the whole list. At the beginning of the study of these constructions, writers often refer to the reference literature.

unverifiable unstressed vowel

Connecting letters

In the speech, different words are used with unstressedvowels. In some constructions, the letters perform a connecting function. This need arises in the case of the formation of complex structures. As a rule, such structures consist of two words (roots). The connecting function is performed by certain letters. In these cases, it is easy to remember which unstressed vowels are present in the constructions.

Russian unstressed vowel

Thus, when parts of the internationalcharacter are "e" and "o". The connecting vowel is used in the letter after paired and simultaneously solid consonants. In this case, use "o". After paired and simultaneously soft, as well as sibilant "c" and "f", "e" is used. Examples of words where such letters occur: worldview, hundred-ruble, mousetrap, haymaking, mud cure, sheep breeding, Old Russian, millennial, Moskvoretsky, ninety years old, dictophone. You can include the following in the same list: employer, disposable, vacuum cleaner, freshly painted, seafarer. This category includes: public, sound producer, butter, tea-drinking. Among such constructions there are also: horse breeding and horse thief, blood and bruising, song and chant, long-range and far-sighted, and others.

The letters "o", "a", "I", "and", "s"

Let us consider other complex words with unstressedvowels. It is customary to write the letter "o" after the "e" or "and" in the constructions that have the first part with the bases for -y, -ya and -ea. For example: a bacterium (bacterium carrier), religion (religious studies), chemistry (chemotherapy), trachea (tracheobronchitis), history (historiography), museum (museology, but exclusion: museology). In some cases, instead of "e" and "o," letters are used that coincide with case endings of speech elements, the main parts of which are present in complex combinations. Are applied:

words with unstressed vowels

1. "I" - in words that have the first half:

  • "yourself" (for example, selfish, but there are words-exceptions: cost price);
  • "time" (example: pastime, time calculation);
  • "name": (name-worship);
  • "seed" (ovules, but exceptions: seed storage, names, seed production).

2. "A" - in such speech elements as "crazy" and "insane", as well as in the constructions that in the first parts have:

  • "forty" (forty-forty, forty, forty-one, but: sorokoust, centipede);
  • "one and a half" (one and a half year, one and a half, one and a half years).

"And" and "s"

The letter "and" is used in words that havethe first half of some numerals. Examples: seven-month, ten-year, sixty-year, thirty-ton, triune, trefoil, tri-pillar, triune (but: tripod, triangular). To the same list include such designs as: the spit, daredevil, uncle-Stepin, vyrviglaz.

1. In complex words (at the end of their first halves) are put "and" and "a":

  • air, aqua, mega, media, maxi-, milli-, mini- (and also all words having such first parts).

2. The letter "and" is also used in words with parts:

  • -metry (for example, dosimetry);
  • -ify and -ify (for example, electrify).

3. The letter "s" is present in such elements of speech as, for example, "Anna Petrovna" or "Baba-Dusin".

Russian unstressed vowel

Borrowed constructions

There are such speech elements to which one can notapply spelling rules. This happens in cases where the root words refer to different languages. For example, unstressed combinations of "ra", "la", (gates, head), being incomplete, have the Old Slavonic origin and are always written with the letter "a". At the root of the same words with such a combination, used today, corresponds to "oro", "olo" (gate, head).

Spelling rules can not be extended to foreign language constructions, since words with unstressed vowels may differ from those in which the dubious component is in a strong position.

unstressed vowel of the root verified by stress

Rules for speech elements with alternating "o" and "a"

For some verbs in perfect form (if this iswords with unstressed vowel "o" for example) can not be used to test the verbal constructions in the imperfect. For example: late - late, not late; swallow - a sip, not a swallow and so on. In other words, in these cases, you can not use verbs with an imperfect suffix -uwa (-yva-) for testing. Also, in a dubious case, "trample" should use the form of "trampling," but not "trample."

verifiable unstressed vowels

Cases of alternation "e" and "and"

Care should be taken when writing words withhomonymous roots. In such constructions, questionable elements are pronounced identically, but when they are written they are marked with different letters. You can compare in pairs: sit (sitting) and turn gray (gray). After a soft consonant and hissing the letter "e" is pronounced in accordance with the stress both "e" and "o". When writing is designated as "e", and "e". Example: rustle (rustle) and silk (silk).

what words unstressed vowels

Writing of doubtful letters after "c"

When writing non-Russian proper names, tofor example, geographical names, after the consonant "c" in words it is necessary to write "yu" and "I". Example: Zurich. If the syllable is stressed, then it should be written "o", if the letter is pronounced. It should also be written in derivatives of this word. Example: clatter, clink. Also, the letter "o" should be used in foreign words. Example: duke. When writing words with the letter "ц" in the root, you should write the letter "и", and not "ы", for example, in the word "circus". But in this rule there are a number of exceptions, when in the word it is necessary to write the letter "s": gypsy, chicken, on tip-toe, quivers and derivatives from them. They should be remembered.

Difficult cases in spelling

There are some designs that do notfall under the rules. They need to be remembered. For example, when writing a word such as "velvet", the letter "a" (velvety) is used in a strong position, but in the unstressed position one should use "o" (barhotka). When writing such a speech element as "children", in a weak position it is necessary to write "e". The same letter is also used in the main word "children", where "e" is written and stressed, and "child" is derived from it. However, when writing the "child" speech element, the letter "and" should be used. As well as in the word "child", where under stress is written "and". Complexities can arise with such a speech element as a "magnet". This word (Greek in origin) in a number of single-root structures has a stressed vowel "e", and in a weak position the sound is designated "e" and "and". Example: a magnet, a magnet; radio tape recorder, magnetism.

words with unstressed vowels

Presence of such variants in spellingspelling is supported by a side stress in the introductory part of compound words on the letters "e" or "and". They also differ when pronouncing. At the root of the financial term "debit", the second vowel in one-root words is always unstressed. In such a design as "debit", it is transmitted by the letter "e", and in the word "debtor" - by the letter "and". In the basics of words such as "infection" and "disinfection" in the stress position, "e" is written. In a weak position, one should use "and". When writing the difference in the use of letters can be explained by the origin of the source of the stem. In such cases, the determination of the correctness of writing is done using a reference book.

The role of spelling in practice

Orthography serves as a means of languagecommunication in writing. This fact undoubtedly makes it a rather significant discipline for society. Spelling and the whole system of development of the sound base of the language as a whole are in constant interaction. Accepted spelling rules are mandatory for all writing people, it does not matter whether a person makes a letter, article, application or submits an advertisement to a newspaper. It's not for nothing that spelling begins with elementary school. For children, it is included in the compulsory school curriculum as one of the main subjects. When writing native Russian or borrowed words, you should use strictly established rules. If a dubious situation does not obey any of them, then one should turn to the reference literature, find a difficult case and try to memorize it.

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