Alternating vowels in the root: examples. Roots with alternating vowels

Spelling the vowels in the root of the word only at first glance seems to be an elementary topic. In fact, there are many of their nuances, without knowledge of which it is practically impossible to write competently.

alternating vowels in the root examples

With unstressed vowels everything is easy: just choose a root word, in which the desired sound will be stressed - and inserted by analogy (balls - ball, wave - waves). But another question is the alternating vowels at the root. Examples of this rule are constantly encountered to us: wipe - wipe, sunburn - burn, dawn - these words occur daily, and intuition does not always tell you which letter to insert at the place of the pass. To guess or not to guess - that is the question. Better, probably, to understand and feel confident.

Root suffix is ​​the first case

In principle, examples of alternating vowels in the root of a word can be conditionally divided into five parts. The smallest of them is an alternation of // a, depending on the presence of a zook-up suffix.

The only root suitable for this rule is called cos / cos. If there is a suffix "a" after it, you should write "kas" (touch), otherwise "o" (touch) is written.

table alternating vowels in the root

We fix the first roots with alternating vowel practice. It is necessary to arrange the letters on the place of the passes:

To ... surrender, to ... to descend, to ... soy, to ... a senile, to ... sleepy (mind), shut up (sleeves), cassation, unchanged ... overgrown, to ... selatelno, soprit ... a fusion.

Frozen consonants

Another small group is the roots with alternating vowels, the spelling of which depends on the next after the root of the consonant. These include ras // rasch // ros, skak // scoch and lag // log.

In the first case, the vowel "o" is written only before"C" (grew), otherwise you need to insert "a" (plant, grown) - only three combinations of letters that affect the alternating vowels in the root. Examples and simultaneous fixing: to express, to regain, reproduce, prir, or rebuild. By the way, another important clarification: in this rule there are words-exceptions, the writing of which must be remembered: Ore, Rosstov, the rastovshchik. Rostislav, rastok.

Next comes the root race // scoch, where before "to" you need to write "a", and before "h" - "o". True, there are exceptions here: skAchu, skachok and all the derivatives from them. We practice this clause of the rule: sk ... kat, izsk ... chit, vsk ... nod, vsk ... chit, vysk ... nod, sk ... even.

And the last root of this rule is log // lies, here everything is also very clear: before "g" - "a" and before "g" - "o". Words with alternating vowels in the root-examples of this rule for fixing: nol ... to live, to be nice, to get out, to get out, to get out, l ... g, to suggest. But here there is an exception: polGO.


The third, by no means a large group, - alternatingvowels in the root, the examples of writing which depend on the meaning. This, by the way, is one of the most intricate points of the rule, in spite of the fact that there are only two roots in it: mac / // mok and equal // level.

If full immersion in a liquid is meant, then the root of the "poppy" is written, if the ability to pass water is "mok". Let's try to understand with examples: m ... tea in tea, unearned ... dormant, obm ... put in ink, prom ... knit written by prom ... with a roll paper.

examples of alternating vowels in the root of a word

With the root, // is even a little more complicated. If it is said that something is equal to something, "identical" - you need to write the root "equal", if on the smooth surface - "level." Remember this point, by the way, you can with associations: equality - "equal", even - "level." But even here there are exceptions: ravnina, ravnyays, ravnenie, ravnyatsya. We fix: to take ... to heed, ur ... to heed, ur ... wen, Wed ... vnenie, zar ... vnyat, r ... vinina.

roots with alternating vowels


Go ahead. The alternating vowels at the root, examples of which we have already discussed above, did not concern stress at all. But there are a number of roots, the statement of stress in which affects the letter written in them.

Roots of the zar / sop, plav // plov // sail, share // sing - withoutstress is written "a", under stress - "o". Immediately remember exceptions: plovets, plovchyha, plivun and zorevat (with the last word the question is controversial - in some textbooks it is given as an exception, but in others it is not indicated at all). We fix: s .. s, n ... yalnik, z ... ryka, pl ... vat, prip ... y, z ... ry.

In the roots of gar // mountains, creatures // creat and clan // the clone is exactly the opposite: under the stress is written "a", and without stress - "o". Exceptions, however, a little more: prigar, izgar, vygarki, utvary. Remember: покл ... нение, г ... рть, кл ... нима, заг ... р.

Foliar suffix - the second case

And the most ambitious group, similar examplesthe alternation of vowels in the root of the word which has already been discussed above, is the spelling of e // and in a series of words depending on the suffixes. The plus is that, despite the large number of roots suitable for this rule, there are practically no exceptions, and it is possible to memorize according to the mnemonic phrase. Here she is: "Feet? "Cut it out!".

words with alternating vowels at the root of examples

Already guessed? Yes, the alternation of a vowel in this case depends on the presence of the suffix "a", as in the case of a cosplayer. This rule obeys the roots of bir // ber, tier // ter, world // measures, dir // der, pir // per, stil // stele, blist // glitter, zhig // zheg, chet // chet. And for all this huge number of roots there are only two exceptions: counting and counting. Some, however, include here the words of the back and protrika, but here the vowel is under stress, so writing it with an error is very problematic.

We fix the largest group: bl ... go to sleep, take it ..., prot ... p, deputy ... rat, ud ... r, rasst ... lit, razzh ... g, r ... tat, otp ... rat, op ....

Generalization and repetition

Remember all the above will help the table "Alternating vowels in the root."





Within the meaning of

poppy / mok

equal // even

To immerse in a liquid // to pass water

To make equal // to make even





From the zeroth suffix

cath // braid

The suffix "a" // there is no suffix "a"

From the zeroth suffix

bir // ber

shooting gallery // ter

world // measures

dir // der

feast // per

stile // stel shine // glitter

zhig // zhag

cheat // even

The suffix "a" // there is no suffix "a"



From a combination of consonants

plant // russia // рос

Race // Skoch

lag // lodges

before "st" and "ni" // before "c"

before "to" // before "h"

before "g" // before "f"








From stress


swimming // pilaf // swim

share // sing

without stress // under stress




gar / mountains


clan // clone

under stress // without stress





As you can see from the table, the whole long rulefit into several cells. In principle, it is enough to remember a few examples from each category to write competently, however, exceptions can not be forgotten in any case. Over time, the alternating vowels in the root, examples of which are found everywhere, will completely cease to cause difficulties.

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