Feedback on the practice

One of the most interesting momentsstudent life is the passage of practice. For a long time the student studies in theory what he will be doing for a considerable period of his life, perhaps all his life, and he is given the opportunity to try all this in real life. In practice, he will also be able to understand whether the profession that he has chosen is really suitable for him.

In practice, there may be negative moments, andThe most negative here, as in many other things, may be the completion of documents, especially the recall of the passing of the production practice. Some may be surprised to state that this should be done by the head of practice. But the one who passed the practice knows that the student writes most often about the passing of practice (on behalf of the head), and then he is signed by the head of the practice at the production.

Often difficulties arise when writing a review. It's good if the students were thoroughly advised before work. The practice leader may provide feedback on the practice, an example, or a form for which it should be written. Do not neglect the recall. Feedback on the passage of practice can greatly affect the mark. If you have a good practice, but have written an unsuccessful review, this will make all your efforts in practice meaningless. It is best not to be shy, if you have any questions, contact the head of practice at the university.

Feedback on the passage of practice is, first of alldocument, and therefore he must have all the necessary attributes: the full name of the organization (the same thing that is written in official documents), the signature of the head of practice at the production, the seal of the firm where you passed the practice. In general, it will be good if students before the practice will be given the forms of all the documents that students will need to provide after practice. Teachers can always complain about design. It's not that they like it, just the officials can also find fault with the officials from above, the more the skill of correct paperwork will be useful to you in life.
It is necessary not only competently to issue a review, butfill it with good content. The feedback on the practice should tell what the student did during the practice (what tasks he did), what skills he had mastered, what qualities he had shown. For example, the student performed the following tasks: recounted documents, prepared several reports, etc. The student mastered the skills: improved managerial skills, learned to send a fax, etc. On the manifestation of qualities: the student showed sociability, a sense of responsibility, and so on. Then summarize the general conclusion. Perhaps the teacher at the university wants from the recall of something else, but then, most likely he will warn the students.
You can also advise not to delay with the surrenderrecall. In the event that there is something wrong with the recall, it will be better if there is time left to correct the shortcomings. Before writing a review, it is best for you to consult a practice leader. Perhaps, you are not the first one who passes his practice, and therefore the leader knows exactly what you need to write. In addition, you need to know what exactly your supervisor will subscribe to, and under what - no. Still you can consult with students of senior courses - they have already passed all this and can give some practical advice.
Unfortunately, our life is so arranged that in itan important role is played by seemingly simple papers - documents. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to properly formulate and fill them. Especially in the case of your professional and educational activities.

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