Quantum physics and its relationship with the reality of the universe

Many are interested in quantum physics and reality,these are such exciting minds in the sphere of science, where many are trying to find answers to questions about the origin of the universe itself. Every modern cosmological theory also relies on quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of an atomic and subatomic particle. Quantum physics has a fundamental difference from ordinary physics.

With the help of classical physics is describedthe behavior of a material object, while quantum physics and reality focuses only on mathematical descriptions of observations and measurements. Here, the disappearance of material material reality from the field of view. Nobel laureate W. Heisenberg said: "It became clear that we now can not separate the behavior of particles from the processes of observation. In the end, we must get used to the fact that the law of nature, which with the help of quantum mechanics is formulated in mathematical form, has an attitude not to the behavior of an elementary particle as such, but only to our knowledge of this particle. "

In quantum mechanics, together with objectsresearch and the research tool, the element of the pictures analyzed are observers. But since quantum mechanics is used to describe the universe, this is fraught with serious difficulty. Given the definition, each observer is part of the universe. In general, we have no opportunities to introduce ourselves to outside observers. To formulate a version of quantum mechanics that does not require an extraneous observer, one of the famous physicists J. Wheeler decided to propose a model, taking into account that, the universe is capable of all the time splitting into various copies. Each parallel universe has its own observers, who see these specific sets of quantum alternatives, and each of these Universes is real.

The basic elements of quantum mechanics area set of integrated circuits (electrically connected active and passive components) that perform a certain function. But on this misfortune a scientist who has used the method of materialistic reductionism does not end. What is missing is that the theory of relativity and quantum physics, when applied to cosmology, can lead to an absurd and fantastic model. In order to assess the whole shakiness of the scientist's hopes to find the answer once, how did the universe take place, it is necessary to take into account that they are using, more often than not, the unified field theory, whose task is to combine the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

Each of them hopes that with the help of thistheory will describe each force that can act in the universe, using a single compact mathematical expression. During this, the theory of relativity is used to describe the general structure of place-time, and quantum physics is used to explain the behavior of a subatomic particle. However, each theory is a contradiction one another. The first step towards the mathematical integration of each theory is as a theory of the quantum field. With the help of this theory, the behavior of an electron is described, quantum physics and Einstein's special theory of relativity are united. Such a combination of concepts, in principle, proved to be a very successful idea.

The second and most difficult step is to integratethe usual theory of relativity, coupled with quantum mechanics, but now no one has the least idea of ​​how this is done. Even many recognized authorities, such as Nobel laureate SP, Weinberg, agree that only to create the mathematical apparatus of the newest theory will take a very long time.

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