What is a vortex electric field?

One of the questions that can often be found on thethe vastness of the global network - this is how the vortex electric field differs from the electrostatic field. In fact, the differences are cardinal. In electrostatics, the interaction of two (or more) charges is considered and, importantly, the lines of tension of such fields are not closed. But the vortex electric field obeys completely different laws. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

One of the most common devices, withwhich almost every person encounters is a meter of the account of the consumed electric energy. Only not modern electronic models, but "old" ones, in which an aluminum rotating disk is used. It is "forced" to rotate the induction of the electric field. As is known, in any conductor of large volume and mass (not a wire) that permeates a changing magnetic flux, in accordance with Faraday's law, an electromotive force and an electric current, called a vortex, arise. We note that in this case it is completely unimportant whether the magnetic field changes or in which the conductor itself moves. In accordance with the law of electromagnetic induction in the mass of the conductor, closed contours of a vortex shape are formed, along which currents circulate. Their orientation can be determined using the Lenz rule. It states that the magnetic field of the current is directed in such a way as to compensate for any change (both decrease and increase) in the initiating external magnetic flux. The counter disk rotates precisely due to the interaction of the external magnetic field and generated by the currents arising in it itself.

How can a vortex electric fieldis connected with all of the above? Actually, there is a connection. It's all in terms. Any change in the magnetic field creates a vortex electric field. Further everything is simple: in the conductor, EMF (electromotive force) is generated and a current appears in the circuit. Its value depends on the rate of change of the main flow: for example, the faster the conductor crosses the field strength lines, the greater the current. The peculiarity of this field is that its lines of tension have neither a beginning nor an end. Sometimes its configuration is compared with a solenoid (a cylinder with coils of wire on its surface). Another schematic representation for the explanation uses the vector of magnetic induction. Around each of them, lines of electric field strength are created, indeed, resembling vortices. An important feature: the last example is correct in the event that the intensity of the magnetic flux changes. If we "look" through the induction vector, then as the flow increases, the lines of the vortex field rotate clockwise.

The property of induction is widely used in modern electrical engineering: these are measuring instruments, and AC motors, and in electron accelerators.

We list the main properties of the electric field:

  • this type of field is inextricably linked with charge carriers;
  • The force acting on the charge carrier is created by the field;
  • As the distance from the carrier decreases, the field weakens;
  • characterized by lines of force (or, which is also true, lines of tension). They are directed, so they are a vector value.

To study the properties of the field in each arbitrarya test (test) charge is used. At the same time, they try to select a "probe" so that its introduction into the system does not affect the acting forces. This is usually a reference charge.

We note that the Lenz rule makes it possible to calculate only the electromotive force, but the value of the field vector and its direction are determined by another method. We are talking about the system of Maxwell's equations.

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