The author's image in the poem "Dead Souls". Gogol is a lyrical hero and narrator

In the works of N.V. Gogol central work - the poem "Dead Souls". It was published in 1842. In this article, the image of the author in the poem Dead Souls will be considered. Gogol plays a special role in it. Nikolai Vasilyevich is not a passive narrator in Dead Souls, but a wise interlocutor. He leads a leisurely conversation with his reader.

image of the author in the poem dead souls

Preface to the 2nd edition of "Dead Souls"

The author in the preface to the second edition of the workasks the reader to help him. Will help to understand the image of the author in the poem "Dead Souls" a short summary of this foreword. In it, he says that he can not know everything that is happening on Russian soil, therefore, much is described in this book incorrectly. Nikolai Vasilievich admits that from his haste, immaturity and oversight, there have been many mistakes and errors, therefore on every page of the work there is something to correct. And Gogol asked the reader to do it - to correct it.

Further, Nikolai Vasilievich gives us specificrecommendations that you need to do in order to properly help him. In particular, after reading a few pages of this poem, remember and write down on your own personal memories of life. After the sheet of paper is filled with these records, you need to send it to the author. The foreword shows how important it was for Gogol to know how the reader perceives his poem.

Why is this work a poem?

image of the author in the poem dead souls with quotations

The very genre definition of "poem" is associated withvalue, which has the image of the author in the poem "Dead Souls". The name for his creation was invented by N.V. Gogol. As you know, the poem is a lyrical genre. And for such kinds of works it is important not so much a plot as such, as author's moods, experiences.

The role in the poem of lyrical digressions

As the main storyline developsline, there are more and more lyrical digressions in the poem, through which the author's image is revealed in the poem "Dead Souls". In them, Nikolai Vasilievich communicates directly with his reader. He tells him that he is worried and worried at the moment. The reader connects to the creative process, acting simultaneously as a critic of the work. A public phenomenon (rather than purely literary) is the fact of the appearance of this poem.

The influence of philosophers-educators

Analyzing the image of the author in the poem "Dead Souls" bylyrical digressions, we note that Gogol's world view is closely connected with the views of various philosophers-enlighteners. The main idea of ​​these thinkers was that by nature man is a harmonious being. And it is precisely unfair social laws that are to blame for his vices. They force a person's personality to adapt to life and violate the consciously moral norms inherent in it.

Patriotic pathos filled with lyricalGogol's retreat. Complementing the image of the author in the poem "Dead Souls", we note that, depicting the descended, vicious people, Nikolai Vasilyevich at the same time cherishes his dream of a beautiful person. He sees the disorder and devastation on his native land, but he does not cease to believe in the bright future of Russia. Where, how not here, in this vast country is destined to be born of an infinite thought?

Memories from the life of the author in the work

It was important for Nikolai Vasilyevich to include in hisa product of memories of one's own life. For example, in chapter 6 he reflects on his youth, says that he liked to drive up to an unfamiliar place. The inquisitive childish view of young Gogol discovered many curious things. This view has cooled over the years, the freshness of perception of life has lost.

The goal pursued by Gogol

image of the author in the poem dead souls

The author in chapter 11 argues with readers,who do not want to talk about ruin and poverty, about the stupid and despicable in life. He believes that the reluctance to hear the bitter truth about his native country gives rise to false patriotism in people. After all, the resolution of the problem will never lead to silence.

The author of the poem of interest is the creator,who was elected in order to reflect on life, about the most significant in it - the further fate of Russia. Nikolai Vasilyevich felt that only he could carry out this great mission. To implement his plan, he put all his efforts.

Irony of Gogol

The author of the poem constantly communicates with the reader. In this respect, irony is often seen in it, which Gogol hides under the desire to please. For example, he appeals to the readers and says that Chichikov will not like the ladies, since they require that the hero of the work be "decisive perfection". Nikolai Vasilyevich seeks to anticipate the attitude towards Chichikov of the reader, to present a possible reaction to him.

Gogol as a lyrical hero and narrator

image of the author in the poem dead souls briefly

In this lyric-epic work, the authoracts as a lyrical hero and as a narrator at the same time. Gogol reflects on the election of writers, on their two types, on the choice of the hero and on the language of the work, shares creative ideas. All this is typical for the lyrical hero. Some of Gogol's statements serve to link individual episodes of Dead Souls. They play an important composition role in the poem. Of course, Gogol acts here as a narrator.

The ratio of epic and lyrical beginningsworks - a means by which Nikolai Vasilyevich expresses the author's position. Related to the epic part of the generalized digressions reveal the attitude of Nikolai Vasilyevich to his heroes. Sometimes it is difficult to separate Chichikov's thoughts from the lyrical digressions in the poem. In the lyrical part, the author appears as a romantic poet, and in the epic as an innovator-realist.

image of the author in the poem dead souls on lyrical digressions

So, we described the image of the author in the poem "The Deadsouls. "A more detailed analysis can be carried out if we take as a basis this article.With reading the work and noting in it the places in which Gogol's voice sounds, one can supplement the image of the author in the poem" Dead Souls. "With quotations, the analysis will become more thorough and detailed.

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