The Kremlin is a city building. The meaning of the word "Kremlin"

The Kremlin is a kind of city fortification. Similar constructions arose for the first time in Kievan Rus. The subject of the article is the history of ancient Russian structures, as well as the etymology of the concept of "kremlin".

Kremlin is

Meaning of the word

What definition of this concept is given in explanatorydictionaries? The Kremlin is, according to Dal's dictionary, a fortress inside the city. The Russian lexicographer gives this concept a number of definitions. Among them, such archaisms as the detinets, the serf.

Morphological composition

"The Kremlin" is a noun of a male. This linguistic unit consists of a root and a zero suffix.

In artistic and journalistic texts such means of expressiveness as personification are used. Its principle is based on the depiction of an inanimate object as animate. Examples:

  1. The Kremlin issued a final warning.
  2. The Kremlin expressed the desire to limit the demonstration of this documentary.

In the examples given, the noun, the meaningwhich is considered in the article, is identified with the concept of "power". The Kremlin in Moscow has long been the personification of the state power of the country. This word is often found in the publicist literature, but it is in this interpretation that it is not always a positive shade.

kremlin word meaning

Root words

In the dictionary of Dal are severaladjectives, formed from the noun, which is discussed in this article. For example: "Kremlin". This concept is often found in modern Russian. As for the adjective "Kremlin", which Dahl also mentions, this word has no relation to the fortress. The Kremlin was called a tree, standing alone in the open.

What is the Kremlin? The meaning of this word, unlike etymology, does not cause disagreement among linguists. This is a kind of medieval structure, which was once long accepted to erect from a tree. But in view of the numerous fires, the architects of Ancient Rus, like their European counterparts, made a reasonable decision to replace the tree with a stone. To this word, you can choose only two single-root words. At the same time in modern speech there is only one of them. Examples:

  1. The Kremlin secrets of the twentieth century remained unsolved.
  2. Since the childhood the Kremlin wall has inspired fear on it.
  3. A documentary about the Kremlin wives was released on the screens.

Kremlin is what


What are similar in meaning concepts can be selected to the noun "Kremlin"? The meaning of the word is a fortress, a fortification. These concepts are also synonymous. Examples:

  1. The Moscow Kremlin is a fortress located in the heart of the capital and has a high historical and artistic value.
  2. The Kremlin is a fortification consisting of walls and several towers.


The metropolitan landmark is one of thethe most famous in the world. "The Kremlin ... This is what the construction?" Almost every resident of Moscow, hearing such a question, will remember only about that ancient fortress that is in the center of his native city. Whereas the word "Kremlin" has a more general meaning. What is it, long before Muscovites knew, according to some researchers, the inhabitants of Astrakhan. And the origin of this word is by no means Russian. In the old days fortresses were in every Russian city. Nevertheless, this type of construction is associated, above all, with a majestic architectural ensemble located in the heart of the capital.

The Moscow fortress was erected in 1156. Fires in those years were not uncommon. And so, until the inhabitants of the Moscow principality learned how to use more reliable material in construction, they had to erect new fortifications more than once to save them from enemy invasions.

Constructing strong walls of stone came to mindfor the first time Dmitry Ivanovich. For this purpose, limestone was delivered. And after the new fortress was built, the center of Moscow has taken on a shape, thanks to which the capital is today called the White Stone. The modern view of the Kremlin took shape at the end of the fifteenth century. Architects from all over Russia came to the city to participate in the construction of the sights, which today, in the XXI century, pleases Russians and stirs the minds of foreigners.

kremlin what is it?


The word "Kremlin", the meaning of which we have consideredin this article, indicates the type of structure that is present in many ancient Russian cities. In Pskov it is also called Krom. It is located near the confluence of the Great and Pskov rivers. The original building of wood arose in the eighth century. The first stone fortifications appeared presumably in the tenth century. The Pskov Kremlin for a long time served for the storage of food reserves. Here no one lived. The theft from this repository was considered a state crime and was punishable by death.

In other cities

The Kremlin in Tula was built in the sixteenth century. This structure has been built for more than ten years. Unlike their counterparts, the Tula Kremlin to the enemy never gave up. Under its walls, foreign troops have suffered more than one defeat.

kremlin value

The wooden kremlin in Astrakhan was built inthe middle of the sixteenth century. Stone built under Ivan the Terrible. The first time the fortifications were very modest. Additional buildings have emerged for several centuries. Initially, this Kremlin had eight towers. Seven have survived to this day.

In addition to Moscow, Pskov, Astrakhan and Tula, the Kremlin is in such cities as Kolomna, Zaraysk, Tobolsk, Kazan, Suzdal. Each of them has a high historical value.

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