Tobolsk: sights of the ancient city

Sometimes it is interesting to turn your gaze insomewhat unusual direction - to the east of Moscow. Many do not even suspect how much the worthy tourist of the cultural heritage is in the vastness of Siberia. This despite the fact that the historical capital of Siberia is known to everyone, this is Tobolsk. Attractions to many of them are also known, but in absentia, according to the films, photographs and canvases of painters. And in this city and to this day, there is even something to look at.

tobolsk attractions

Tobolsk. sights

This city on the bank of the Irtysh is already more than fourcenturies. But everyone who comes here, regardless of where he came from, first of all amazes the famous Tobolsk Kremlin on the high bank of the Irtysh River. A beautiful view of this symbol of the conquest of Siberia is opened, by the way, from the porthole of the aircraft, landing at the local airport. From the height you can clearly see what Tobolsk is. Its sights in the form of Orthodox churches are clearly visible over the low traditional old buildings.

The central place in the city, of course, takesThe Tobolsk Kremlin. By the way, this is the only stone Kremlin beyond the Urals. It was erected in the upper part of the Troitsky cape at the beginning of the eighteenth century, replacing the previously existing wooden fortifications.

Tobolsk attractions and addresses
The compositional architectural dominant of allThe city is the Sophia-Uspensky cathedral, built in 1684. And this was the first stone structure of this scale in all of Siberia. Cathedral belltower was built in about a century. It is made in the style of Russian classicism and its height is 75 meters. From it a spectacular view opens up to distant horizons, and to the city of Tobolsk itself. Its sights are visible both in the palm of your hand. There are a lot of them in this relatively small, partly wooden town.

Sights of Tobolsk and their addresses withoutSpecial problems can be found in a variety of reference publications. But there is no special need for this, the indigenous inhabitants of the city usually willingly show their guests the way to any remarkable places and places.

Tobolsk attractions photos
A lot of interesting and expressive inlower, foothill part of the city. In addition to the restored religious buildings, many specimens of Siberian wooden architecture have been preserved in good condition. You can go down from the Kremlin by the wooden steps of St. Sophia's back. This historic staircase passes between the huge retaining walls.

Expressive places for photography

There are a lot of such in the city on the Irtysh. But here's what you need to remember visiting Tobolsk: the sights, photos of which are widely represented on tourist sites, are most expressively obtained from the upper shooting points. It is about the cape towering above the city, on which stands the Tobolsk Kremlin.

tobosk sights kremlin
Right behind the Kremlin wall is a convenient shooting ground, from where most of the city is visible in all small details. Especially beautiful pictures from here are obtained in the evening side lighting.

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