The consumer market and the model of consumer behavior

All manufacturers must study the marketconsumers. On this depends the number of goods and services sold and, as a consequence, the profit from sales. The consumer market is a group of people who are interested in a given product or service, purchasing it for personal use. In addition to this type of market, there is a market for producers, wholesale trade or intermediaries and the market for government institutions. The model of purchasing behavior is important for successful business.

Consumers of goods and services differ in the firstthe turn of the income level, as well as age, tastes and education. Therefore, participants in market trading studied models of consumers' consumer behavior. They divided potential customers into groups and, in the production of goods and services, are guided precisely by their needs.

With the development of the market, direct communication withclient was not always possible. The model of consumer behavior and its study has become a necessary measure. A huge amount of money is spent on finding out the tastes and possibilities of potential consumers.

This problem is engaged in marketing. The model of consumer behavior is formed in five stages.

The first is the awareness of the problem and the need fora particular product or service. This occurs long before the purchase itself. Here we compare real and desirable possibilities. When the desire reaches a certain peak, there is an incentive to buy.

Then follows the process of collecting information about goods,which can satisfy desires and needs. There is a selection of goods or services adequate to opportunities. Sometimes the consumer can skip this step if the excitement state has reached a high level. In this state, it is available to the manufacturer and can make a rash purchase. As sources of information can act colleagues, friends, advertising, the media and visual inspection of the goods.

The model of consumer behavior is determined by the influence of sources. The greatest amount of information is provided by commercial advertising. But the maximum effect is provided by data from personal sources.

An important task of marketing is the formation ofstrategy, which will be adjusted to the model of customer behavior and will lead the customers to purchase exactly the specific product. It is necessary to identify more influential sources of information and use them to attract customers.

After the information is collected, options are evaluated. Here we consider the properties of specific brands that match the query. For each consumer is important its own set of qualities.

The consumer can create his own image of the product and the properties that he must possess. To each certain quality the buyer can attach the level of importance and the importance.

After evaluating the options, the very fact of purchase occurs.

Then the reaction follows. It shows the satisfaction of the consumer with the perfect act of purchase.

The model of customer behavior is of several kinds. They are listed below.

Uncertain behavior occurs when there are several identical types of goods, a high price and a certain share of risk when buying.

Conventional behavior is characterized by the absence of a difference between product brands and low consumer involvement. For example, buying salt.

Search model of behavior. It occurs when the buyer is not heavily involved in the process, but the differences between different brands of goods are significant. In this case, the consumer, as a rule, easily changes his preferences.

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