Practical advice on how you can prepare a script for the corporate party "Umorina!", Dedicated April 1

To a corporate partyturned into a banal eating of homemade salads and washing down with alcoholic beverages, and the feast then did not smoothly turn into clarifying the relationship and saying each other "the whole truth in your eyes," you need to work in advance on its planning. It will not be superfluous, in this case, to prepare the scenario of a corporate party in advance.
Since the April Fool's Day is already on its ownimagine a humorous direction, you can start it with the ironic "solemn" speech of the head of the firm or enterprise. And let it be a bit like Ogurtsov's speech from the film "New Year's Eve".

The head of the voice, who does not tolerate objections, givesa comic order to all to have fun, joke and laugh under threat of depriving the non-performing point of Order No. 15 of the award and deleting their names from the list of waiting lists for getting a five-room free apartment from the firm. And all those who ignore competitions at corporate parties, according to the head, are waiting for punishment - an unconditional ban on going on vacation to the endless expanses of the legendary Kolyma!

Further, the speaker, having mixed everything in the world, severalonce congratulates colleagues with May Day, and even with the New Year. The frightened secretary, standing behind him and carefully writing down every word of his boss, rushes to look for the Santa Claus costume and banners with slogans.

But this time the boss's speech is interrupted by a call "from above". He grabs his heart and informs everyone present:
- Gentlemen! The most unpleasant news is that it will come to us right now ... by itself! Rather, rather, start having fun! God, we did not even approve the scenario of the corporate party! Horror, I'm dead!

Here on the stage in the corner modestly appearssecretary with some boxes, and begins to beckon from the hall of someone, gesturing to show that it will be necessary to change into a suit and conduct a holiday. All, of course, refuse. But one stranger unexpectedly agrees, It can be a specially invited person with good organizational and artistic abilities.

As it turns out, the box contains the mostdifferent parts from several suits: a black bandage on an empty eye socket and a hat with a peeled feather from a pirate costume, and a beard, nose and fur coat - from the outfit of Santa Claus "; from the Snow Maiden's costume there are plaits and a fur coat, and a flat ridiculous hat is a "gift" from the old woman Shapoklyak.

Selected from the audience for the role of the leading girl (of course, dummy), wears a composite suit Sneguro-Shapoklyak, but does not remove jeans and sneakers, which are clearly visible from under the blue-fur coat.

In the course of the festive evening,as it were, confusion due to the influence on the speech of the rank-and-file leading parts of their costumes. For example, Father Frost says: "I walked in the forest, I walked through the field, through snowy debris ... How much I slaughtered, how many cut! And today I brought you a bag of presents! What is it, kids, guess? Ha-ha-ha! There is a dead man's chest, and-hunting-ho, and a bottle of rum! "

So the scenario for corporateparties, if the head of the corporate and his secretary are people with a good sense of humor. Otherwise, the organization of fun should be undertaken by the initiative group.
A humorous pearl of a humorous eveningwill be a miniature KVN without the preparation of participants, also included in the scenario of the corporate party. Some competitions for KVN can be borrowed from Alexander Maslyakov. Interesting and fun is the contest "Crocodile". If the scriptwriter "Umorins" did not have to play the same game as a child, then you can visually see its terms by viewing the telecast called "Crocodile".

In the scenario of the corporate party alsoit is necessary to include a small concert in which local talents take part: parodists, performers of comic verses, bards with humorous songs.

And at the very end of the holiday,competition - the selection of the funniest participant, "King of Umorin", followed by his coronation and rewarding. Voting can be conducted with the help of a "black box", in which those who wish can "put their own" in the matter of choosing the king of humor and laughter at this party, dropping a piece of paper with the name of his today's idol.

As can be seen from the article, to come up with a scenario for a corporate party is not at all difficult, if you think about it, try hard, connect a sense of humor and put in a little bit of your soul.

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