Belogorie, Voronezh region, monastery: description, history, how to get

Excursions around the Voronezh region are veryfascinating and informative. There are unique sights that are worth a look. Monuments of culture, nature reserves, historical buildings. But most of all, temple structures are attractive. One of them is the Belogorsky Resurrection Monastery. In the Voronezh region there are only three active cave monasteries. And this is one of them. The caves are located near the village of Belogorye (Voronezh region). The monastery took its place at the very top of the Cretaceous hill.

white mountains Voronezh region monastery

Mystery of origin

The surroundings of the village of Belogorie have long been famoustheir caves. But the reason for their formation is still unknown. There are many legends about this place. One of them tells about robbers who attacked merchants and traders who swim through the Don. Treasured treasures they hid in caves.

How was everything? And the truth, and the legend

And yet there are more believable stories inwhich tells how the Belogorsky caves were formed. Since 1796, they began to excavate local residents under the leadership of Maria Sherstyukova. They were firmly convinced that they were doing a good deed. Gradually people began to come to the caves. They begged their sins there. Some of them even stayed to live there.

By the end of the 18th century, the length of all the caves was 1 km, and after a hundred years it increased to 2.2 km.

Who is Maria Sherstyukova

As mentioned earlier, Maria Sherstyukova andlaid the foundation for the founding of the Belogorsky caves. She was different from her brothers and sisters, not only in appearance but also in spirit. Maria since childhood dreamed of becoming a nun. But my parents were against it. At the age of 25 she married a military man who always drank and walked. Leaving Mary three children, her husband passed away. The woman became an early widow and went headlong into a rackety life. She drank and drank, and engaged in debauchery, sometimes earned her bread by witchcraft. Family, neighbors, villagers - all blaspheming Mary. She lived in extreme poverty. But one amazing incident completely changed her life. At 55 she visited the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. There she was given the blessing to go to her homeland and find a quiet place on the mountain, to dig a cave of repentance there. When Maria came to her native village, she immediately set to work. From the local residents, she met with extreme indignation. Persecution persecuted Mary until the authorities interfered in the construction of the temple, providing the woman with financial assistance.

30 fruitful years, Maria engaged in selfless work. Over time, a whole team of assistants and followers was formed.

Foundation of the monastery

The local authorities pursued the excavations for Mary. They stopped only after Alexander I himself ordered to reward Maria with a monetary reward.

Thanking the emperor, the sorceress dedicated the first cave temple to Alexander Nevsky, the patron saint of the tsar. The opening of the monastery took place three years before the death of the sorceress Maria.

excursions in the Voronezh region

Throughout the 19th century, the area surrounding the monasterybegan to be built up by various land installations. The Trinity and Transfiguration churches were built, a bell tower was built of stone. Over time, the monastery was awarded the status of a monastery. The Holy Assumption Cathedral of Divnogorsk took it under its wing.

The end of the 19th century was marked by the endthe construction of the Resurrection Church, which is the main one. It was built by the architect Afanasyev. For the temple was chosen Byzantine style. Painted the construction of the master Shchukin in 1916.

The abbots of the monastery

In 1882 the monastery was transformed into an independentBelogorsky Resurrection Monastery. The rector was Hieromonk Peter, who had previously served under the Mitrofanov Monastery in Voronezh, and in 1875 was transferred to the service in the hermitage. He did a lot for the monastery. With him, a school was organized - a shelter for boys. Until his death Peter himself taught children, as he himself was a highly educated person. Father Peter was an incredibly energetic person. He was very strict, but at the same time he was sincere and caring. In 1896, he began the construction of a new cathedral, but his completion did not wait. In 1916 the cathedral was consecrated. He stood high above the expanses of the Don. Anyone who aspired to enter the monastery immediately noticed it.

Excursions around the Voronezh Region will certainly lead to the Resurrection Monastery, the last abbot of which was Hegumen Polycarp. He served in the monastery until his closing in 1922.

Further fate of the monastery

how to get there

After the closure, all the buildings were dismantledbuilding materials. In 1931 the Pavlovsk regional executive committee decided to blow up the Resurrection monastery. From the picturesque place, practically nothing remained. The vaults of the caves were painted with stupid inscriptions.

However, after some time the Lord stillshed mercy upon these holy places. Metropolitan Voronezh and Borisoglebsky Sergius gave a blessing to clear the caves of Belogorie. The project was headed by Archpriest Alexander Dolgushev.

The first Divine Liturgy was held in honor of Prince Alexander Nevsky on September 12, 2004. Since 2005 the monastery is filled with life again.

Revival of the monastery

white-collar monastery Voronezh region how to reach

All land structures, structures and temples werecompletely destroyed. Before the brotherhood, it seemed, it was impossible to restore everything. First it was necessary to clear and restore the caves of Belogorie, which carried the spirit of the courageous service of ordinary people. After all, these people were so eager for the will of the Lord to be fulfilled and, in addition to daily prayer, people could serve God in these unique cave temples, chapels and cells, which are filled with the purity and reverence necessary for a full spiritual life. Their works were not in vain. After all, until today, everyone who visits Belogorie (Voronezh region), the monastery, will be filled with incredible spiritual power. Belogorsky shrines are an indestructible monument of the national spirit.

July 29 is a special day for the monastery. Annually this day a large religious procession takes place. All pilgrims pass the path in 40 km by the banks of the Don. The first night was spent in the village of Upper Karabut, the second one in Kolodezhnoye. July 31, all participants are going to Kostomarovo to the next day (August 1) to celebrate the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Officially, the monastery was opened quite recently, in 2013.

If there is such an opportunity, it is necessary to visit Belogorie (Voronezh region). The monastery is open almost around the clock.

How to get there?

 the Belorussian Sunday Monastery

Resurrection Belogorsky Monastery is located at the address: Voronezh region, with. Belogorie, farm Bricks.

You can reach it in several ways: on your own vehicles, on passenger transport, on a train or train, or on water.

For those who travel on their own transport fromVoronezh, you need to follow the highway M4. To Pavlovsk should remain about 15 km. Turn right at the sign Rossosh - Belogorye - Babka. After the turn, drive another 7 km to the village of Belogorye. It is best to visit the Trinity Church and ask which of the roads is better to get to the monastery.

white mountains caves monastery

The path may vary depending on the time of year. Farm Bricks is removed from the village of Belogorye for 3-10 km, depending on which route to choose. If you move along the Voronezh-Lugansk highway, then you need to drive into the Podgorensky village, drive it completely, near the cement plant, turn to Pavlovsk, to which there should be 30 km. This is the most convenient way to visit Belogorie (Voronezh region). The monastery is the main local landmark.

You can also take a bus to Pavlovsk, from where you can take a bus to Belogorie, Podgorny, Rossosh or Olkhovatka. From Belogorye to the village, Bricks can be reached on foot after walking 3 km.

How to get there by train? Suitable for any train or train, the next to the station. Podgornoye. In the village of Podgorensky you can change to any transport that goes to Pavlovsk. You need to leave in the village of Belogorye.

You can reach the monastery on the water. In the city of Pavlovsk, a boat runs (although places need to be ordered in advance), which carries pilgrim groups across the river Don directly to the monastery.

There are many ways to visit Belogorie, a monastery (Voronezh region). How to get there? How? Everyone can choose a suitable option for themselves.

Belogorsky Resurrection Monastery. Curious facts

the White-Russian Sunday Monastery

  1. For some time before the closing of the monastery in 1922the criminal case was opened. During the trial, the investigator, who constantly sneered at the remains of the saints, fell ill with a serious skin disease and died. Many were struck by the mysterious illness of investigator Boris Usatov. He was extremely disparaging to this holy place, especially to the relics of Mary (the founder of the monastery). Some parts of his body began to become covered with scales. The disease could not cure even the most experienced doctors, and after some time the investigator died a painful death.
  2. During the war the monastery was completely destroyed, but its caves served as a safe haven for local residents. Also, guerrilla groupings were assembled there.
  3. Special significance is for the village of Belogorye caves. The monastery is located on them. Caves of Belogorie are considered the largest monastic underground in Russia, created in an artificial way. Today, most of the caves are abandoned. Their length from 2 km was reduced to 985 meters.
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