How to arrange for people how difficult it is for you?

If you decide to get a job or simplymake new acquaintances, it is very important to be able to make a good first impression. Try to please people around you, and then you probably can get their location. For example, in order to locate new neighbors, you can knock on their door and give something, tell a couple of funny stories about the former tenants of the apartment. It will be a great practice to learn how to put people to oneself.

There is a huge number of techniques,helping to understand how to arrange a person to themselves. I'll try to show you the basic tricks. The first thing I would like to emphasize: you need to smile! Some people believe that a persistent smile irritates the interlocutor! Indeed, the real value is only a sincere and benevolent smile, and the falsity is felt right away. To put yourself in a person, show sincere interest in him. I will tell you, based on personal experience: if the interlocutor notices that you show interest in his person and everything that is important to him, then the chance to make a good impression increases significantly.

Next, we learn how to put people to oneselfin other ways. Surely you know that it is very important to be a good listener. In order to place a man to yourself, you must be able to listen to him. Even if you are not interested in his story, do not give it to me. Each of us sometimes needs to share with someone thoughts or, maybe, even cry. And after all, it's true, it's nice when people listen to you? And how! Usually in such conversations, friendship and trust are born. So, remember! A good listener can easily find a common language with any person.

The following advice I will give you: conduct a conversation on a topic that is in the circle of interests of the interlocutor. It is important to show that the topics discussed are significant for you, too. By observing this rule, you will understand how to put people to oneself. Do not let the interlocutor find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. If suddenly you started a conversation on a topic in which the interlocutor obviously does not understand, just try to smoothly change it to any other. To locate a person, you need to emphasize its importance. Do him compliments, for example. Do everything so that a person understands that he is valuable to you. Sign language is an important element in communicating with people. Do not cross your arms during the dialogue. This is a sign of distrust and secrecy. In turn, freely located hands show that you are an open person. And this will have a positive effect on the first impression of you.

Oh, how sweet is the sound of our name! It's nice, when you are called by name, not by last name. I remember when I was at school I could not understand this difference. Now understand. For example, when the teacher called me by name, it seemed that by that he showed his respect and closer location. Over the years, it became clear to me that the teacher behaved this way, because he knew how to put people to himself, including me. If you want to know how to arrange to interlocutor, show respect by naming it by name. Another important fact: the eyes - this is the mirror of our soul. When dealing with a person, look into his eyes, listen carefully to every word of it. And if he sees your interest in the eyes, then success is assured!

Summarize. I have shared with you the basic methods of placing people to themselves. If you adhere to all the above tips, you will easily prove yourself in any company. Know that it is enough to go into any room, just politely to greet those present and to smile in a friendly manner. This will be a big step. It's enough just to stick to good manners everywhere: during the conversation, at the table. Maybe now it seems to you that it's hard to put a person to yourself. But believe me, this is not so! In time, you will learn, and soon you will not have to think about what and how to say. It will simply become the image of your life, and you will easily get to place yourself to any person.

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