Sports walking.

The fact that movement is life is known to everyonealmost from birth, and this fact, of course, is undeniable. However, this movement can be different. Some people prefer pedestrian traffic, others move by road. Without a doubt, walking was and remains the most useful and accessible to anyone who wants to lose those extra hated pounds. For a long time it was believed that running is most useful for losing weight. With this statement it is possible to argue, after all there are people to whom run is obviously counter-indicative. And walking has no contraindications. Especially useful is athletic walking for those who have cardiovascular disorders or musculoskeletal.

The technique of athletic walking does not represent a specialcomplexity, but nevertheless it is necessary to approach it with all responsibility. At the very beginning, you do not need to set a fast pace, otherwise there will be rapid breathing, the body will quickly get tired, and it will not lead to anything good. Walking should be calm, measured. This helps to warm up the muscles. Then gradually the rate increases. Steps do not need to be made too wide. The most effective are frequent and brief steps. Particular attention should be paid to posture. The shoulders should be straightened, the stomach tightened, the back straight. The leg should first be put on the heel, and then smoothly transfer the weight of the body to the toe. Hands should move like a pendulum, and not hang down arbitrarily along the trunk. And one more important rule: you can not make sudden stops. How gradually the tempo was growing, just gradually it is necessary to reduce it. This is necessary to restore uniform breathing and palpitation. These simple rules require athletic walking.

We must try not to let dehydration of the body. Lack of fluid adversely affects the skin and the process of losing weight. Before and after a walk you should drink a glass of water.

The maximum effect can be achieved ifmaintain a fast pace of walking for at least an hour daily. In a week, lightness in the body, tightness of the buttocks, uniformity of breathing will be felt. Sports walking, no doubt, has its positive impact. All cells of the body are saturated with oxygen, dyspnea completely disappears, fatigue visits less and less. In addition, during a walk, one can distract from everyday problems and completely give oneself to the surrounding nature. Especially useful is walking in the morning, preferably in a park or park, where only their own steps will disturb the silence.

Due attention should be paid to clothing. It should be fairly easy and not interfere with the movements. Sneakers should be selected with a rounded heel and preferably with a flexible toe. It is necessary that their surface promote free air circulation. Here such equipment should have a sporty walking, the technique at which will be the most correct.

With such daily training is burneda large number of calories, lowering the level of cholesterol, inhibiting the process of deposition of salts, the skin acquires freshness and elasticity, a natural blush appears on the cheeks. In addition, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are considerably strengthened, the silhouette is tightened, the tendons and ligaments become stronger. And most importantly - the bulging belly disappears forever, of course, if you do not stop these walks. Also, the volume of the lungs increases, and the heart muscle is significantly strengthened.

To account for speed and distance traveledyou need to purchase a pedometer. In addition, this can serve as an additional incentive to achieve the desired result. Depending on the level of the trained body, you can change the load. But the main thing is not to overdo it and not to bring the body to utter exhaustion, so as not to resort to emergency measures to restore lost health.

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