How to properly pull on the bar to work out the right muscles.

Having set out to have a wide and beautiful back,It is necessary to clearly know how to properly pull on the crossbar. Exercises on the bar - this is a universal tool with which you can accentuate not only the muscles of the back, but also the biceps, pectoral muscles and so on. All classes are based on a clear understanding of the mechanism of load distribution in certain types of pull-ups. Therefore, before starting the classes, you need to ask yourself how to properly pull on the horizontal bar in order to develop those muscles that require development.

Pulling up the usual grip

In general, people are pulled up by the usual grip, withThe hands do not extend beyond the width of the shoulders. With this kind of training, the most stress is on the biceps, and a small part of the load falls on the pectoral muscle groups. In turn, slightly changing the width of the grip, you can accentuate the work of other muscle groups. The main principle is that the wider the grip, the greater the load on the latissimus muscle of the back, that is, by varying the width of the grip you can, with varying degrees of force load, make certain emphasis on the right muscles.

Pulling up a wide grip

So, how to properly pull on the horizontal bara wide grip, in order to maximally load the widest muscle of the back. Hands should be placed as wide as possible and tightened, touching the crossbar with the back of the head. A very important point is the observance of the technical component of the exercise. To get the maximum effect you do not need to juggle and do half-heartedly, the amplitude of pull-ups must be complete, the moment of jerk is eliminated, the movements should be smooth and powerful. In the initial position, the arms should be completely straightened, bending at exhalation, stretching up to the highest point of movement, on exhalation, lower down until the hands are fully straightened.

Some tips for lifting technique

Asking the question: "How to properly pull on the bar?" - It should be understood that only by observing a slow pace during the whole exercise, you can achieve visible results. To pull up on the crossbar were the most effective, you must put this exercise at the very beginning of the training. Starting such exercises with fresh forces, you will achieve more serious indicators than when the muscles are exhausted by other exercises. During pull-ups try to use the so-called "no-finger" grip, that is, your fingers, including a large one, must be above the crossbar. Thus, you partially unload the biceps and redirect the load to the latissimus muscles of the back. In order to increase the quality load for the broadest muscles, during pull-ups, try to relax your hands, as if your wrists are tied to a horizontal bar.

Lifting with weights

Learning how to properly pull on the horizontal bar12-15 times, you can safely hang on your belt some kind of burden. Thus, your body will not have time to adapt to the load and, consequently, will continue to progress. When working with weights, do not weigh heavily for yourself. You do not need to chase someone. It is necessary to work with the weight at which your technique will not suffer, and the execution will resemble the "twitching of the paralytic". Weight should be such that the technique of execution remains ideal. In no case should you try to replace these exercises with seemingly similar ones. Different traction on the blocks, dumbbells and other exercises can not replace these simple, but very effective exercises. As an additional kind of load they will play their undoubtedly positive role, but they will not be able to completely replace this exercise.

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