How to paint the bike correctly

Would you like to update the old peeling paint onbicycle? Maybe you want to add a touch of creativity to the appearance of the "iron horse"? It does not matter how you pursue the goal. But if you are wondering "how to paint a bicycle", then you are here!

Let's say at once that special skills, in order to make your vehicle more attractive, you do not need. Even a schoolboy can cope with this if he has the following:

  1. Solvent for removing old paint.
  2. Sandpaper for various types of surfaces (large, medium, small).
  3. White spirit for degreasing surfaces, before applying paint or primer (sold in any hardware store).
  4. Primer for durability of "tuning" and evenness of staining.
  5. Paint (ideal - acrylic).

how to paint a bicycle

How to paint a bicycle. Stage one: preparation

Preparing the vehicle for paintingbegins with parsing: the nude frame is painted. A prerequisite is a thorough washing. If there are different labels, icons and other attributes on the frame that you need to keep unchanged, we recommend sticking them with paper tape (its edges should not go beyond the picture, otherwise there will be unpainted places). To remove the old layer of paint, use a solvent and sandpaper with a sparing surface (with fine particles). Such actions should be carried out in gloves, so as not to damage the skin of hands, and in a well-ventilated room. Next, you have to degrease the surface of the frame with white spirit.

what color to paint a bicycle
How to paint a bicycle. Stage two: priming

To implement this process, the frame from the bike should be suspended in such a position that it does not touch any other surface, but access to it was easy on all sides.

Apply a primer with a brush, spray with a can or a special gun with a compressor. The drying time is usually not more than a day (at a temperature of not less than 5-7 degrees).

After this, the frame needs to be recoated repeatedly until an even surface is obtained on it.

How to paint a bicycle. Stage three: paint application

If you do not know how to paint a bicycle, we hasten to inform you that the best option is acrylic paint.

Its main advantages are an ideal even layerat a covering, fast drying, a bright palette of colors (sometimes the most difficult - to be defined with what color to paint a bicycle) and stability to the raised humidity.

The paint is applied in small strokes (to obtain a uniformly colored surface it is not necessary to "pass" more than twice in one place).

If you want to get exactly the color that is depicted on the bank, you must first paint the surface with white paint.

How to paint a bicycle

The drying time of paints of different brands is usually different, so it is better to leave the frame for several days. After that, you can collect a bicycle and enjoy trips on a renovated vehicle.

Now you know how to paint the bike so that it was not only beautiful, but also durable enough.

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