A flat priest is not a sentence

A flat pop is one of those flaws in the figure,which have a decisive influence on a woman's self-esteem. Good buttocks with a magnet attract the attention of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, many women because of sedentary work may not notice how the lack of physical activity and fast food food "helped" them to acquire such a disadvantage as a flat priest. A photo, accidentally made in an unfortunate foreshortening, can cause shock and open your eyes to the problem. But awareness is already half the solution. The main thing is to understand that measures to restore the elasticity of the buttocks should be complex and carried out consistently.

flat pop

The most pleasant way

Massage is the easiest and does not require physicalEfforts to give a good shape to your pope. Advertising of all possible means of cellulite is still something right - "magic" creams and serums require intensive rubbing into the skin. And this is a good way to get a woman to literally pull herself together. Flat pop, covered with cellulite - a consequence of poor blood circulation in this zone. Regularly massaging it using your own hands or a special brush, you can achieve activation of capillaries in the subcutaneous fat. Oil or cream provides better gliding and contains various substances that nourish the skin. Instructions illustrating the technique of anti-cellulite massage to oneself are widespread. The main thing is not to be lazy!

flat pop photo

Food and Sports

A lot of massage can not be achieved, if you do not followthe amount of carbohydrates in food and little to move. Many are frightened by the radical changes that may be required to make the flat ass become more seductive. Start with a little effort: break up the food you eat per day for more receptions. Pay attention to the fact that the food was a sufficient amount of fiber and protein. This is easy: a pack of low-fat cottage cheese and 200-300 grams of any vegetables with a corresponding decrease in the share of flour and cereals will transform your figure within a month.

As for sports, it's going to disappear in the morning untilevenings in the gym are also not necessary. If you are not a trained person at all, then thirty minutes a day will be enough to begin with, so that a flat ass gets a tone. All known exercises - sit-ups, lunges, slopes - performed regularly and with attention to technology, operate reliably. After a month, the load can be increased. For example, picking up the burden.

how to make the ass flat
Separately it is worth mentioning static loads: if repeatedly during the day to strain and draw the buttocks, performing at least 20-30 times the given exercise - this, though it does not replace a full-fledged training, but very much it will contribute. There are special systems (for example, the method of Lotta Burke, based on ballet exercises), which focus on the development of gluteal muscles. They are constructed in such a way that each exercise uses the back of the legs as intensively as possible. Muscles should be in constant tension.

How to make the ass flat, if the buttocks are too large

A small percentage of women do not feel at allThe most common problems are disproportionately large, protruding buttocks. In the case where the upper part of the body is much smaller than the massive lower one, it seems that the flat pop is the way out. But it is not so. Training should in this case pursue two goals - the proportional development of the muscles of the upper body (arms, back) and drying the bottom. The first is achieved by weight training with weighting agents, and the second - by regular aerobic exercise.

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