Bound pop: a set of effective exercises

The brewed priest will always play an importantrole in the figure of any girl. How many women dream of elastic buttocks! But it is not difficult to make them as such, it is important only to sincerely want this and make every effort. In order for you to have a well-trained pop, you need to remember three important things: sport, nutrition and cosmetic care. These components will help you achieve the desired result.

Exercises for elastic buttocks

inflated priest

The very first thing you can advise issquats. This is the most effective and at the same time simple physical exercise. You can perform them in many different ways. You can do an exercise with a barbell, dumbbells or a ball. To begin with, you do not have to squat very deeply to warm up your muscles. This exercise should be performed in two or three sets of 15 squats. It is important that your heels do not come off the floor.

After sit-ups, you can go to walking on the wall. To do this, lie down on the floor, put your hands along the trunk. Legs bend in the knees at a right angle, maximally rest against the wall and start making steps - a few up, a few down. The difficulty is not to tear the buttocks off the floor. Only in this way you will have a well-trained pop, whose photo will be no worse than pictures from magazines. Walking on the wall must be done fifteen times.

For the next exercise, you will need a ball and a chair. Sit on a chair and squeeze the ball with your knees for 30 seconds, then pause and start squeezing it again.

boned pop photo
This exercise should also be repeated 15 times. A week after daily training, the number of approaches can be gradually increased, so that your pumped-up priest becomes one as soon as possible.

Another exercise is aimed not only atstrengthening the buttocks, but also on the inner side of the thigh. Sit on the floor, take your hands back and rest them on the floor. Start moving on the surface, using only your buttocks, without bending at the feet. Five minutes will be enough for this exercise.

In addition to this complex, no less important are leg bendsback. Your swollen priest will become elastic, and legs - slim. For this exercise, you only need a chair. Stand up and lean your hands on his back. Doing the mahi back, try to raise the leg as high as possible. In addition, you can also take turns to the side, which can help you get rid of excess volume.

inflated girls' priests
You can also include in your complex exercisesattacks. They are very useful for the inner side of the thigh. Make a deep lunging forward. The leg that stands behind should not rest on the toe, but on the entire foot. This exercise should start with 5 attacks, after which increase their number to 12.

Skipping rope is also an excellent tool forthe creation of an ideal body. Jump with it you can warm up. Do this smoothly and evenly for 5 minutes. This exercise is great for both morning exercises and for warm-ups at night jogging.

Stretching and care

The complex of these exercises should be supplementedcorrect stretching and the use of specialized creams and scrubs. Also beneficial effect massage with the use of anti-cellulite cream. Only with a combination of these elements you will have a beautiful pumped-up priest. And, besides this, remember the right and healthy diet. Forget about harmful food, otherwise all your efforts will be futile. The main thing - do not be lazy, because pumped priests of girls will never go out of fashion.

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