"All for 600" (Beeline): description and reviews

So, today we will find out what isa tariff "All for 600" ("Beeline"). Unfortunately, if you look for information about this offer, you will not find anything concrete. After all, now the company does not have such a tariff. Instead, he now bears the name "All for 500". But we will call it the old way. So let's study it. Is it really worth connecting to it? What offers have features? What do subscribers think about this offer?

all for 600 beeline

general description

"All for 600" (Beeline) is quite profitablerate. The fact is that it refers to the unlimited line of proposals "All". To be honest, for this reason many subscribers are interested in it. True, do not think that you will be given incredible opportunities. Some restrictions apply.

In the general sense of "All for 600" (Beeline) -Unlimited communication with all of Russia and in roaming. Messages and Internet traffic are included here. True, there are a lot of features. For example, all the limits offered to subscribers depend on what type of payment you have connected yourself. It is worthwhile to consider them in more detail, after which to choose the best "Beeline" tariff for connection.


The first option that can be offered isprepayment. The offer price is 16.65 rubles. In some regions this limit may be higher. This is a monthly fee. In most cases, according to subscribers, in a month you will give 600 rubles.

In this case, the proposal may seem verytempting. If you were interested in the "All" line, most likely, it became already clear: this is the most profitable tariff for the company "Beeline". 600 rubles a month - and you will receive 500 minutes a month of free calls to all numbers in the country. Also in this cost are SMS-messages in the amount of 500 pieces, as well as Internet traffic of 5 GB.

all for 600 beeline reviews

In principle, a rather interesting proposal. After all, after the limit is exhausted, for you free local calls will remain. And conversations on Russia and all SMS messages will cost only 1.5 rubles. MMS costs 5.5 rubles. As for Internet traffic, we can say that every 150 MB will cost 25 rubles. It is quite humane. For this "All for 600" ("Beeline") reviews from their subscribers gets very good.


But do not forget about the second type of thistariff. There is also a postpay. That is, you first spend all the possibilities, and then at the end of the month you pay for the content of one or another connected package. In contrast to the first option, this offers more favorable terms. Beeline Company unlimited tariff (600 rubles - its average cost) of this type created specifically for sociable people. What can they enjoy with postpay?

First, the subscription fee is 500 rublesper month (previously there were 600, so the tariff was called "All for 600"). At the same time, the transfer to the offer is absolutely free. In the same way as in the past case.

Secondly, "All for 600" ("Beeline") for postpayraises all the limits. And this fact pleases many. You can say that all the restrictions are increased by 2 times. Unless minutes of conversation remain in the same number - 500. Traffic to the Internet is now given in the amount of 10 GB, and SMS messages per month get 1000 pieces. Very interesting.

But this tariff has its own peculiarity. You will have to deposit a guarantee fee: 700 rubles for the "International Communication" service. It turns out that the connection here is quite expensive. But this few stop. If you do not know which tariff to connect to your mobile, Beeline will offer you a very good option - "All for 600".

best fare


Next, you need to pay attention to the featuresconnection of tariff plans. The matter is that for post-payment and prepayment there are own approaches. And in this regard, "All for 600" (Beeline) reviews from customers are mixed.

Why? The main disadvantage of postpayment is that the connection can occur only directly at the office of the company "Beeline". You either give your mobile operator to make an application, or buy a new SIM card with an already connected offer. Not very good prospects.

If you chose a prepay option, you canonly to say that there is no negative about the connection. You can easily and easily call the operator "Beeline" at 0611 and ask for an application. Do not forget to say that you chose "All for 600" with a prepayment. In addition, you have an independent method of solving the problem. This is a special USSD-team. In our case this is 0674000500. There is also the possibility of connecting via the official website. In principle, this option earns very good reviews. The main thing is to find in the list of proposals "All for 600".

beeline unlimited tariff 600 rubles


But to abandon this tariff plan, asshowed practice, regardless of which payment option was chosen, easier. It is enough to come to the office of the company "Beeline" and inform about their intentions to change the plan on the SIM card. In addition, you can at any time absolutely free to abandon your tariff by going independently to another.

It was the second option that earned a lot of lovesubscribers. As you can see, it's very easy to connect and disconnect from "All for 600". But is it worth doing this at all? What do customers think about this proposal in general?


Honestly, it's very difficult to decide. After all, someone is happy with this tariff, but someone is not. In principle, "Beeline" has lowered the monthly fee. Now instead of 600 rubles a month you have to pay only 500. This, of course, pleases.

mobile phone

For the average subscriber, the costThe tariff plan is too large. In this case, you can choose an unlimited tariff, which will be cheaper. "All for 600" can be offered to those who communicate much (especially through messages) and works with the Internet on the mobile.

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