How to connect a "Turbo button" and a service "Prodli speed" to "Beeline"?

Subscribers of Beeline are familiar with thisa concept like a turbo button. Under this intricate name is hidden nothing more than the ability to increase the speed of the Internet connection for a certain period. In this case, even advanced customers of the operator often confuse this option with the service "Prodly speed". What is the difference between these two options for increasing the data flow, we'll discuss in this article, and also give a description of them, we will specify how to connect the "Turbo button" to "Beeline". If you use the Internet from the above operator, then for you it will be relevant.

how to connect the turbo button to the turbo

How to connect a "turbo button" to "Beeline"?

Before I elaborate on the optionsconnection service, I would like to give a description of the option "Turboknopka" and services "Prodli speed" and highlight the main differences. In the first case, we are dealing with an increase in speed for any of the specified time intervals (one, three or six hours). It may be necessary for those people who need to urgently download something from the Internet, and the speed of their connection does not allow it to be done. In the second case, it means purchasing an additional packet of Internet traffic, which the subscriber can use during the billing period. This service is quite interesting for subscribers who spend the bulk of gigabytes on the tariff plan ahead of schedule - by activating the speed extension, you can again visit the World Wide Web at the maximum speed (within the package that will be activated). At the same time, the "Turbo Button" ("Beeline"), 1 GB (how to connect both of these options, we'll describe below) are two different services having different conditions.

How to connect a turbo button to a beeline

Conditions for using the Turbobnock option

"Turboknopka" is available only on tariff plans,meaning unlimited Internet (for example, one of the TP line "All!"). You can activate it unlimited number of times with the necessary amount on the balance of the number (for 1 hour you have to spend 10 rubles, 6 hours - 20 rubles, and 24 hours will cost fifty rubles). How to connect a "Turbo button" to Beeline? Only through the personal cabinet with which many users of the Internet space are familiar. Here you need to go to the appropriate subsection, decide on the time to which you want to increase the speed, and activate the option. It is important to remember that before connecting the "Turbo button" to "Beeline" again, you need to make sure that the first packet is over, i.e. the time has passed. Otherwise, it will automatically be canceled, the cost of the new package will be written off from the balance, and it will begin the action.

Turbo Button Beeline 1 GB how to connect

Conditions for using the service "Prodli speed"

How to connect a "Turbo button" to "Beeline", wewe examined before. It is now time to talk more about the extension of speed by acquiring traffic. The option is available on any tariff plans, including on which any unlimited Internet packages are activated. With its help, you can "buy" traffic: one, four or five gigabytes. The cost of such pleasures will be 95/175/195 rubles, respectively. Activate the package you like, you can, as in the previous case, via the Internet or an application for mobile gadgets (analogous to a personal cabinet on the operator's portal).

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