Article for those who want to know how to set up the Navigator

Very often there are difficulties associated withsetting of navigators. In addition, this is facilitated by a wide variety of models available for sale. This article is about how to set up the navigator. As an example, the Prestigio model will be considered. Basically, modern navigators of this model are based on the operating system WindowsCE4,2. In addition to the main functions, the Navigator has the ability to play video in MPEG4 format, as well as viewing images and listening to music. For this, the device has a memory card slot.

how to set up the navigator

The design of the navigator does not differ spectacularly. It is a black box that is made of matte plastic. In addition to the memory card slots, the navigator has a power jack, a mini-USB connector and an external GPS antenna connection. The display reaches three and a half inches.

Due to unsuccessful attempts by usersupdate the device software and the question arises as to how to set up the navigator? It is worth knowing that no matter what old program is installed, it will not be possible to change it to another one. Navigator is a device that is not subject to changes relating to software. On the device by Prestigio's system is not used iGo 2006. And people are generally satisfied with the factor that the program is very old. Erasing it from the memory of the navigator for the purpose of installing more sophisticated tools, they can not subsequently regain it all back, because the device simply stops responding to the actions of humans.

how to set up the prestigio browser
And maybe you want to learn how to set upnavigator Prestigio? If you do not know in advance how to set up, then you can spend a lot of effort before this process is completed. Due to the fact that the device is not very popular among users, it is rather difficult to find information about it. But in fact, problems should not arise. Quite often, users when deleting navigator software manage to erase some very important files, including Autorun.inf.

To set up the navigator, you need to fold tothe files that were deleted earlier. As an example, you can take someone from the same navigator or find a list of what should be on the device, and already on it to upload the necessary documents. These files can also be taken from the owner of the same navigator model.

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But that's not all. In order to finally configure the navigator, you should put the GPS receiver port in the options. To perform this procedure, you should start automatic search. After that, the navigator will find the necessary satellite, and the device will start working. It should be understood that the program can differ from the previous version only. In other words, if you previously had iGo2006 on your device, you can install iGo2008 after uninstalling it.

From all of the above, it follows thatThe navigator can be simply uploaded to the device all the necessary files. If you have a question about how to configure the Explay browser, you can also use this method.

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