Certificate of product quality - what is the essence?

The product quality certificate is a document meaning a general view, including confirmation of conformity, declaration and other special papers. Sometimes it is called a safety certificate.

In the article we will consider what is its essence on the example of the document on compliance.

certificate of quality

general information

Certificate of conformity fornational system GOST R is a document that confirms that the goods have declared characteristics according to the requirements established for them. He is referred to the category of permits. A certificate of conformity quality is obtained according to established schemes, which are recommended to applicants by bodies conducting this procedure and having accreditation for it. The document is issued both for single goods, and for lots, as well as serial production.


In our age of serious competitive struggleThe question is how to stand out among the rest. One of the tools is the certificate of quality. Consumer demand can be stimulated in many other ways. However, as a rule, the availability of a document proving the high quality of products is a win-win option. After all, it shows that the state standard meets all the necessary requirements.

certificate of conformity of quality


Certification is mandatory or voluntary. In the first case, its need is spelled out in the decree of the State Standard. In order to obtain a quality certificate, the products are subjected to certain tests in special laboratories. If the procedure is voluntary, then it can be carried out by any organization that has decided to engage in this type of activity, and registered their mark in an appropriate manner.

The document, which is binding,proves that the products meet the requirements of the law, which are established, based on the issue of security for people, the environment and property. The voluntary certificate confirms the compliance of the characteristics of the documentation that is attached by the seller or the manufacturer. It is this method that serves as an excellent lever for increasing demand and confidence on the part of consumers.

certificate of quality

In addition to the certificate, a document mayimplied declaration. It has the same legal force as the resolution paper itself, but it differs from it. First of all, it follows from responsibility. When submitting the declaration, it is carried by the applicant himself for all the information provided.

Certification Authority

The procedure is carried out by special bodies that have receivedappropriate accreditation. The laboratory, where the samples are subjected to various tests, is equipped with all necessary equipment according to national and international standards. In addition to the technical conditions, they employ specialists of the highest qualification.

In order to receive quality certificates for products, the applicant must file a package of documents with the authorized accredited body. In general, the applicant:

  • submits the application for certification together with other necessary documents;
  • after studying by experts, the issue of issuing a certificate is decided, when additional papers or actions may be required;
  • specifies the codes of TNVED, OKP, GOST and coordinates the scheme with the accredited body;
  • After carrying out all actions and with a positive outcome, the document is received.

When compulsory, the maximum term of its validity is 5 years, and in the case of a voluntary one, it can not exceed three years.

certificate of quality of goods

Order of procedure

The GOST quality certificate is issued in accordance withwith the order, regulated in the regulatory legal documents. For different types of products, there is a scheme of procedure. In accordance with this and other components, the certification body selects the required species with or without its own set of tests. The main law here is the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".

Certification in general consists of:

  • analysis of the contract;
  • initial audit;
  • receiving recommendations;
  • decision to issue a document;
  • supervisory instance;
  • re-audit.


When analyzing a contract, attention is drawn tothe area of ​​activity that will be certified, the ability of a particular center to provide a service, check the availability of information that is needed for auditing, and more.

The scope of the product quality certificate is determined with respect to the products in the evaluation of the design, the sites for inspection and the objects under consideration.

product quality certificates

The procedure starts after signingcorresponding agreement. Most permits are issued for a limited period. Certification begins with the initial audit, when the management is analyzed, and then a check is carried out on the site. If it ends successfully, then experts can recommend issuing a certificate of quality compliance or take further action depending on the chosen scheme.

All evaluation documentation is sent to the mainoffice, on the basis of which a decision is made on follow-up actions. If the document is issued for a period of more than one year, it is customary to additionally designate an annual inspection inspection to verify that the quality of the goods corresponds to the one that was originally claimed.

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