Extract from the apartment: documents, dates, special cases

According to modern legislation, when changingplace of residence, everyone is required to check-out of the old apartment (home) and register in the new one. In this regard, there are often questions about how to discharge from the apartment.

Documents required for this procedure

To do this, you will need:

  • passport;
  • for children who have not yet received such a certificate of birth;
  • house book - for registered in a private home;
  • military ticket with a mark on the postponement or unfitness for service - for men under 40 years;
  • application for discharge.

It is especially worth noting that an extract from a man's age of draft age is possible only after the military commissariat is notified of her.

The application must be completed by youwith his own hands. The form can be taken directly from the passport office (Housing Office) or printed from the portal of public services (in the latter case you will need knowledge of your SNLS).

In addition, an extract from the children's apartment will requirethe consent of the parent, to which the child will be subsequently registered. Otherwise, it may be refused. And in some cases, the consent of the police may be required.

Separate cases of de-registration

If you can not visit for a passport statementtable personally (for example, live in another city), you need to register with a notary power of attorney for another person as a relative, and absolutely an outsider. He will need to bring to the passport office all the necessary documents, and then take your passport with it already done with a note on the removal from the register. However, the possibility of an extract by proxy must be specified in each specific passport office.

In some situations, an extract from the apartment can be forced:

  • after the dissolution of marriage with the person registered in the apartment;
  • if the apartment was purchased with the tenants already registered in it;
  • in case of refusal or evasion of the apartment registered from privatization;
  • if you are going to privatize an apartment and do not want to give a share of it to a registered one;
  • if a person is registered in the apartment that does not have the right to register, as a result of which utility payments are increased;
  • you are going to sell the apartment, and the registered person does not actually live in it.

For any of these reasons, an extract is made only in court. Also, the court makes a decision on the discharge of the missing citizen.

Extract from the apartment of deceased citizens is carried out by relatives: they will need to provide a certificate of death to the passport office.

Terms in which the procedure is carried out

In order to sign out, you need to turn toemployees of the passport office (Housing office - for residents of apartments) with all the relying package of documents. Hours of reception of citizens on issues of discharge by each ZhEKom are set individually. Filling out the relevant applications (if they were not compiled by you in advance), you hand over the collected documents. Be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary to leave your passports in order to put stamps on the discharge in them. According to the standard procedure, an extract from the apartment should take no more than three days, after which you can pick up documents with an already stamped stamp. However, if you deposited documents at the same time and for residence registration, the deadlines may last up to ten days.

If you are going to register after dischargeon a new place of residence, these two procedures can be combined with each other by filling out an application for registration. In this case, you will also need documents for a new apartment: a certificate of state registration (a simple contract of sale / purchase will not be enough), a contract of social hiring, renting. Note also that if the owner of the apartment is not you, you will need to obtain the written consent of the owner, most likely, his personal presence will be required.

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