What temperature should be in the apartment in winter and in summer?

Today, as well as at all times, one of theimportant criteria in the life of a person is the comfort of his environment, which includes favorable temperature indicators in his house at any time of the year. Man, no matter what the weather outside the window, wants to come home, feel not only as in a reliable fortress, but also to rest under the most appropriate temperature conditions.

Let's start with the summer. What is the temperature in the apartment during this period? According to regulatory documents, it should be + 23-25 ​​degrees with a relative humidity of 40-60 percent and an air speed of 15 meters per second with mandatory availability of good ventilation in the house. Noise, by the way, should not be greater than 30-40 decibels.

In autumn, when the temperature of the external environment beginsTo lower, to maintain a comfortable temperature regime, heating of dwellings comes to the rescue. Since the majority of the population uses the services of a district heating system, the communal services carry out washing and pressing before the beginning of the heating season. This inspection of pipes and pipelines for tightness and endurance is carried out in order to avoid in the season of emergency replacement of their sites, as well as for the normal operation of the coolant.

When does the heating season begin? The Rules, which regulate the provision of public services to consumers on heating, clearly indicate that if within 3 days the temperature of the outside air is below 8 degrees, then from the next from the last fixed day, the heating season begins

And immediately the question arises: what temperature should be in the batteries? In direct dependence on the temperature of the air in the street. The higher this value, the lower, respectively, the water temperature in the batteries. With an average daily temperature fluctuation from +1 to +2 degrees, slightly warm with a temperature of +40 degrees, there should be batteries. If the frosts are rampant outside the window, then the water temperature in them can reach +90 degrees. As for the off-season, there are no standards, and everyone can bask as best he can.

One thing follows from the other: from what temperature should be in the batteries depends what temperature should be in the apartment.

The air temperature is measured in each room on its inner wall at a distance of 1.5 meters from the floor and from the outer wall at a distance of one meter.

What should be the temperature in the apartment in winter inapartment building, regulates SNiP (sanitary norms and rules). According to this normative document, the temperature regime should be as follows: +20 degrees in the corner room, +18 degrees in the living room and +25 degrees in the bathroom. What temperature should be in the apartment, you now know. By the way, on the staircase this indicator should be +16 degrees, in the elevator room +5 degrees and +4 degrees in the attic.

And further: what temperature should be in the apartment, if the newborn is in it? Not higher than 22 degrees, as the metabolism of the baby is intense, a lot of heat is released, so that the baby does not sweat, quite comfortable temperature for him is 18-20 degrees, and he is dressed, should be free.

And such an important detail: comfortable living environment is simply inconceivable without hot water, which consumers, according to the normative service provision rule, must be provided all year round, and the supplied water must be strictly within the temperature range from 50 degrees to 75.

It is desirable that there is never a question ofuninterrupted supply of hot water all year round, as well as about what should be the temperature in the apartment in the winter. These questions should sink into oblivion and components of comfort for each person to be perceived as a reality.

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