What is self-management? Federal Law No. 131-FZ "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation"

Local government in the Russian Federationis guaranteed by the Constitution and Federal Law No. 131. The ability to independently organize landscaping in state regions is truly a democratic phenomenon. However, not everyone knows what self-government is and what it is based on. In this article, the relevant Federal Law will be analyzed, which contains all the main provisions that relate to the presented phenomenon.

What is self-government in the regions?

According to Article 1 of the Law 131-FZ, self-governmenton the ground constitutes a constitutional Russian system, and is also recognized, guaranteed and implemented throughout the state. What is this system? The law speaks about the form of the exercise by the people of their own power, but only in the limits established by law. The interests of the population must necessarily be taken into account in the self-governing bodies, after which it should begin to be implemented in practice.

Self-governing bodies are elected by the Russianpopulation, and therefore endowed with a number of certain powers. The body should include elected officials, elected by direct and equal suffrage.

Citizens' rights to self-government

FZ "On the general principles of organization of localself-government "establishes the norms according to which all Russian citizens have the right to exercise self-government on the ground by participating in elections, referenda and other forms of expression of will. Citizens have this right regardless of their language, position, religious beliefs, etc. According to Article 55 Constitution, this right is restricted only if it contradicts the morals, health or life of the population.

what is self-management

What is the legal basis of the localself-government? Here it is worth highlighting the Constitution, namely Chapter 8, as well as various kinds of FKZ and FZ. The change in the principles for the formation and implementation of local self-government is allowed only by making appropriate amendments to the listed legal sources.

On the principles of local government

In Chapter 2 of the Federal Law "On General Principles of Organizationlocal self-government "establishes the main principles and conditions on which the relevant authorities are based, for example, the provisions concerning the territory of the municipality are fixed in Article 10. According to the law, self-governing bodies can be formed only in urban and rural settlements, as well as in the districts of the city and districts of the municipality While Article 11 specifies the boundaries of municipalities, and in Article 12 - the conditions by which these boundaries can be divided.

law 131

In subsequent provisions of the law,the principle of constant modernization and transformation of municipalities. The state should periodically encourage and financially assist the instances involved in self-government. Article 13 deals with the possible abolition of the instances in question in certain regions. At the same time, liquidation must have a specific goal - for example, reorganization, organ transfer, etc.

Here it is worthwhile to note other "classical" principles. This is legality, conformity to the goals of humanism, social orientation, etc.

Authorization of bodies

The bodies of municipal self-government, according toarticle 19 of the law in question, have a number of certain powers, which they are endowed by the state. How exactly can the relevant authorities be vested with relevant functions? The answer to this question is provided by the Constitution, which refers to the free formation of the relevant bodies. Therefore, the powers of self-government instances may be different - depending on what is prescribed in the regional federal law. In this case, local government in the Russian Federation should not depart from the rules that are prescribed in the law in question - No. 131-FZ.

on the general principles of the organization of local self-government

But what exactly should contain a regional law that provides for the authorization of self-governing bodies? The law specifies:

  • on information about the municipality;
  • on the list of duties and rights of instances of local self-government;
  • on the method of calculating the norms for the volume of financial receipts, and so on.

In a little more detail it is worthwhile to talk about the powers that self-government bodies have in most regions of Russia.

Issues of local self-government

The list of powers set forth in articles 14-15 will best provide an answer to the question of what self-management is. Here is what the functions of the instances in question singled out the law:

  • formation, cancellation or modification of local tax collections;
  • formation and analysis of regional budget projects, strict control over it;
  • possession, disposition and use of property, which is located in the possession of the settlement;
  • organization in the established boundaries of water supply, electricity, gas supply, etc .;
  • creation of conditions for rendering high-quality transport services to the population;
  • the behavior of works on the prevention of terrorism;
  • organization of cultural leisure for the population;
  • adoption and provision of fire safety measures;
  • the development of local traditional artistic creation;
  • provision of mass recreation of the population, etc.
    municipal government

And yet, what is self-management? According to the data provided in the law, it is an institution that implements functions of a political, social, cultural and economic nature.

Local government bodies

What is the self-management system of anyregion? Article 34 of the law in question refers to a representative body, a regional executive branch in the person of the local administration, control and account authority and other authorities.

 state bodies and local self-government bodies
Thus, the system may includemunicipal state authorities. Is this mandatory? According to Article 131 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, no. So, in the basic law of the country the opportunity of each region to independently form the structure of self-governing instance is fixed - depending on the data specified in the municipal statute. At the same time, state bodies and local self-government bodies can closely interact with each other.

On the responsibility of bodies

Institutions of local self-government, like any otherother authorities have a certain share of responsibility - both for the state itself and for the entire population. According to article 70 of the law in question, self-governing bodies may even change their structure due to violations committed during their work.

local government in the Russian Federation
This is very simple: the population of the respective municipality withdraws some officials, but instead puts others. All this happens, of course, through a referendum or elections.

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