What kind of childcare allowance up to 3 years and other payments to parents

When the time comes for a decree, young parentsthere are many new problems and experiences. And, of course, almost any family in which a new child appears is interested in the issue of benefits, which they rely on, because this is a good help for many families. Most often, payments depend not only on the place of work of parents, but also on the region where they live. For example, in Moscow an additional amount is paid, exceeding the allowance for the care of a child under 3 years old, which throughout Russia at the moment amounts to 50 rubles.

However, since 2011 the draft law is being consideredabout increasing this amount. So, it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on all payments that will be made to parents. Note that it will be about all-Russian payments. If we talk about regional surcharges, then each district can have its own, so it is necessary to specify these moments in social protection, where this information is given more fully.

Benefits can be paid inan organization where one of the parents (guardians or other representatives of the child) works or in the bodies of social protection. The choice of one of these organizations is done independently. But it is worth remembering that if parents have chosen a childcare allowance up to 3 years that will be paid, for example, at the mother's place of work, then neither in social protection, nor at the work of their father, they will not be able to receive a similar benefit.

Until the moment when the child turnseighteen months, parents receive an amount that is calculated from the salary of the mother. If, suddenly, the mother does not work, this is a fixed amount (despite the annual indexation is quite minimal), paid by social protection agencies.

After the period of validity of this paymentends, and a childcare allowance of up to 3 years is granted. At the moment this amount is 50 rubles (not including regional payments or additional benefits from the place of work). However, since 2011 the State Duma has started to consider the project that this payment should be equal to the same that the woman received before a year and a half. Such a trip will enable women to spend more time on vacation, taking care of their child's upbringing, without experiencing greater financial difficulties, especially since problems with places in kindergartens in most regions are very acute.

A benefit that is paid for care beforeone and a half years, depends on the average salary of the mother and is 40% of it. At the same time, it is worth noting that the result should not be more or less than the planks established by the state. In 2011, the minimum payment was 2194 rubles (if the first and only child in the family, for all subsequent children this amount increases), and the maximum allowance should not exceed 13,834 rubles.

Many parents are concerned about the question whether a childcare benefit is taxed. This amount is not subject to taxes or any other charges (for example, trade union fees).

If suddenly a childcare allowance up to 3 yearsis paid, and the woman is pregnant again, she will have the right to choose in the future what payment to receive, continue this or take a new one, according to pregnancy and childbirth, depending on what is more advantageous for her. It is worth noting that the childcare allowance for up to 3 years continues to be paid even if the woman went to work, but it is important to take into account that it is necessary to work part-time, otherwise the allowance is not paid.

Every year, all payments are indexed withinflation, which contributes to a gradual increase in benefits. For this reason or for another, but gradually the birth rate in the country begins to rise. In addition, the authorities are thinking about how it is still possible to help parents and increase various payments.

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