Raspberry jam: benefits, cooking recipes

Many people since childhood adore raspberry jam. Its use is extremely great. Probably, there is no person who would not be treated with a delicious grandmother's delicacy. What is so special about it and how to make raspberry jam, we learn from the article.

crimson jam use


Tea drinking on a winter evening can be filledExtraordinary aroma, if you sweeten it with a delicious jam. Delicacy is able to alleviate the condition of a person with a cold disease, and sometimes even cure it.

Raspberry is a powerful antioxidant. Jam from berries that can reduce fever, reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system of the body. This effect is achieved due to its rich composition. The raspberries are potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine and other minerals as well as vitamins A, C, E, PP, B2. All these components help to keep youth and elastic skin. And the presence of copper in it restores the normal state of a person, helping to cope with stress, and also improves the structure of the hair.

The use of raspberry jam for healthIt is also revealed by the salicylic acid contained in it. It is the basis for reducing heat and removing inflammatory processes. Ellagic acid can prevent the growth of malignant tumors and stop the negative impact caused by fried foods and smoked foods.

raspberry jam without cooking

But the most important thing is that, beingcompletely natural product, jam, unlike pharmacy tablets, will not cause harm to the stomach. So, we sorted out the positive properties. But there are many people who doubt that this sweetness will be used. Let's try to figure this out.

The myth of the benefits of raspberry jam

If the delicacy is long to cook, then, of course,vitamins in it practically will not remain. Such sweetness will serve only for a delicious tea party in the cold season. However, there are not so few ways to prepare it. It was in the old days that the raspberry jam was cooked for a long time. However, now they prefer completely different recipes. For example, if you prepare raspberry jam without cooking, then, of course, all the benefits that berries have will be preserved in it and used, for example, in the autumn, when there are not so many natural vitamins.

The main thing is not to overeat. Sometimes you can not notice how quickly "disappears" the sweetness of the can. However, excessive consumption sometimes becomes not so harmless. It can provoke indigestion, promote a set of extra pounds, and even cause problems with the teeth.

the myth of the benefits of raspberry jam


Raspberry jam, whose benefits are consideredabove, is applied in accordance with its properties. However, it is necessary to take into account some features. To use a treat at high temperature is not recommended, since its pathogenic properties, instead of the required reduction in heat, will lead to even greater growth. Thus, the treat is taken at a temperature of 37.8 and below.

Jam will help not only with internal application, but also with external, for example, when fighting with herpes. Spread the inflamed place for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

In order to prevent cancer, it is useful to eat 2-3 spoons of sweetness every day.

It is not contraindicated in pregnancy, sois a rescue for women. After all, many medications can not be taken at this time. But future moms can eat a spoonful of sweets at every meal. This will not only become an excellent preventive remedy for colds, but will also increase the hemoglobin index, since raspberries contain iron.

the benefits of raspberry jam for health

Grandmother's recipe for goodies

Let us turn to the practical part and study howto cook jam. This recipe is suitable for those who like a thick consistency. A special structure can be obtained when adding gelatin (two tablespoons). Raspberries are taken one kilogram and 800 grams of sugar.

The berries are picked and laid in a saucepan,each layer sprinkled with sugar. Then leave for several hours, put on fire, bring to a boil, but do not boil, but cool. So you need to repeat two times, and at the end a thin trickle pour melted in 100 grams of water gelatin. In this case, stir the contents of the pan. After cooling, this simple raspberry jam is laid out on cans and put into a pantry. You can open it and eat it any time you want.

Raspberry jam without cooking

Those who want to preserve the berry in kind, the following recipe will do. It will take one kilogram of raspberries and 800 to 1000 grams of sugar, depending on the preferences of the household.

The berries are picked and placed in a bowl froma food processor or a blender, add the sugar and bring the contents to a homogeneous mass. After that, it remains to pour the gruel into pre-prepared jars (which need to be scalded with boiling water) and close with lids.

Store in a dark cool place such a "live"raspberry jam". The benefits, however, will be from him until the winter period. In the cold season it is still better that the grated berry with sugar stayed on fire a little. Then you do not have to worry about preserving his qualities for a whole year.

simple raspberry jam


In our age, when you can buy everything in the pharmacyplease do not neglect real natural medicines. After all, they are the best for health and do not cause harm, unlike many medications. If you cook correctly, then a real storehouse of vitamins in the winter will be raspberry jam. The benefits of it will be fully disclosed also if you do not abuse it and do not take it at high temperature.

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