How do symptoms of reflux esophagitis manifest? Treatment of the disease

Reflux-esophagitis is one of the mostcommon ailment ailments. The disease affects its lower section due to increased acidity. The disease develops due to direct contact of the contents of the stomach with the mucous membrane. Symptoms of reflux esophagitis are manifested primarily in the form of pain and heartburn. Also, some other disorders in the digestive system are possible.

reflux esophagitis symptoms in children
How does reflux-esophagitis manifest itself: symptoms in children

In each age group there are characteristic -own manifestations of the disease. In younger children, reflux esophagitis manifests itself in the form of frequent repetitive dairy regurgitation and belching of the air. The frequency of such manifestations decreases if the child is kept in a vertical position immediately after feeding. But after a regular meal, the symptoms of the disease return. In this case, even if the child continues to be in an upright position, the symptoms of reflux esophagitis become worse. For this reason, the side of the sleeper, on which the baby is placed head, should be slightly raised. The high pillow also helps to remove the signs of the disease.

In older children, in addition to heartburn, inIn the case of reflux-esophagitis, eructations erupt with acidic fluid and burning behind the sternum. Such signs of an ailment are often observed when the body is tilted, after eating and during sleep.

Manifestation of the disease in adults

In an adult, the symptoms of reflux esophagitismanifested in the form of pain behind the sternum and a sense of the presence of a coma in the throat. In addition, the symptoms of an illness can have a character that does not correspond to an eating disorder. There may be a persistent cough, dental disease, hoarseness and some other symptoms not characteristic of the disease.

symptoms of reflux esophagitis
eliminate the disease

On how to treat reflux-esophagitis, shouldtell a qualified specialist. Usually complex treatment of this disease is effective. It includes medical treatment and dietary nutrition. Sometimes, in order to overcome the ailment, surgical intervention is required.

Features of nutrition during the treatment of reflux esophagitis

Dietary diet is as follows:

- you need to limit the use of products that enhance the process of gas formation;

- it is necessary to exclude from the menu excessively cold, hot, spicy food;

- It is strictly forbidden to take alcoholic beverages and products that reduce the tone of the sphincter (such as coffee, pepper, chocolate, garlic, onion, etc.);

- it is required to avoid overeating and to have supper maximum for 3 hours before going to bed.

Thus, it is possible to overcome the symptoms of reflux esophagitis.

how to treat reflux esophagitis
Medication Therapy

Treatment of the disease with the help of medicalpreparations spend at least 2-3 months. Then, maintenance therapy is followed for another six months or a year. The drugs "Rabeprazole", "Lansoprazole", "Omeprazole"; "Maalox", "Almagel"; "Metoclopramide."


Indications for surgical treatment are:

- complication of reflux-esophagitis of any kind;

- ineffective drug therapy;

- Combination of the disease with bronchial asthma.

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