Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis: clinical picture and objective prognosis

There is an opinion that the acute scatteredencephalomyelitis is of an infectious nature. A general pattern has been revealed, which indicates that this pathology progresses against a background of a viral infection or purulent sinusitis, otitis. Identify the main pathogen causative agent has not yet been finally achieved, but it has already been reliably proven that the dominant role in the development of the disease is played by allergic reactions, leading to a demyelinating process in the spinal cord and brain. The disease is represented by multiple perivascular foci, which can predominate both in the trunk and white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, and directly in the spinal cord. Diagnosis of the pathological process in the spinal nerves and roots of the limbs, in addition, myalgic encephalomyelitis is often called the syndrome of chronic fatigue.

If you recall a clear definition, you canTo say that acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is positioned as an acute inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, for which spontaneously spread disseminated demyelinating depression of the spinal cord and brain is characteristic, in the dynamics of which the mechanisms of autoimmune origin are of significant importance.

Let's try to determine the pathogenesis of the disease. It is important to note that acute disseminated encephalomyelitis begins in acute form, and at its core resembles the usual viral disease. So, the patient begins to feel a general malaise, loss of appetite and can quickly "jump up" the temperature, but also possible and psychomotor agitation, paresthesia. Usually, meningeal symptoms appear, against which background focal symptoms manifest in a couple of days, indicating the severity of the lesion in the hemisphere or brainstem, and also in the spinal cord. If we talk about spinal symptoms, then it should be noted the manifestation of para- and tetraparesis, as an option, peripheral paresis. Such anomalies lead to disruption of the functions of the pelvic organs. If we talk about stem symptoms, we mean bulbar paresis, which affects the condition and performance of the abduction and facial nerves. In addition, in the pathological process, the optic nerves are also involved in the means of retrobulbar neuritis.

From here one can make a completely understandable conclusion aboutthat an extremely unpleasant and very dangerous disease is acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, the symptoms of which not only affect vital organs and functions, but also bring the patient a lot of pain and discomfort.

If to judge this form of encephalomyelitis, thenit is of an acute nature with intensively growing signs, but in medical practice there are also such clinical pictures, when the pathology develops for a long time, and its symptoms form up to a couple of weeks. If you draw a conditional parallel with such a disease as multiple sclerosis, you can find common signs in the face of autoimmune reactions to various myelin antigens. However, unlike multiple sclerosis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is characterized by one rapid inflammation. And a kind of "conductor" of autoimmune reactions is a certain virus, but do not ignore the vascular and toxic indicators through which secondary demyelination can grow.

It is important to focus on the fact that the forecastthe disease is very favorable and often the final recovery occurs, but sometimes paresthesia, decreased vision and sensitivity disorders remain as sediment. In more serious forms or in case of untimely response, a lethal outcome is possible, so the disease requires timely diagnosis and immediate treatment, which must be performed by a knowledgeable expert.

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