Multiple sclerosis. What is it and how to define it?

Multiple sclerosis - what is it? Many people, hearing these words, think about old people, absent-mindedness and bad memory. In fact, this pathology begins to develop in about thirty years. This is an autoimmune disease, that is, the body perceives its cells as enemy and begins to destroy them. With multiple sclerosis, nerve cells begin to die, and in their place connective tissue is formed. This process is not localized in one area, but spreads throughout the nervous system, affecting the white matter of the brain.

Multiple sclerosis is what it is
It is impossible to say exactly why it begins to developdisease. Radiation, even in the form of a tan, toxic substances, malnutrition, stress, belonging to a particular race, place of residence - all this is far from a complete list of factors contributing to the development of multiple sclerosis. So, viruses of measles, herpes, rubella and many others can be in the body for many years and destroy the nervous system. It is noted that usually the question: "Multiple sclerosis. What is this? "Asked the European women, since they are most susceptible to the disease. Until now, it has not been proven that this is a hereditary pathology. But the risk definitely increases if the family had cases of multiple sclerosis. A higher incidence rate is observed among smokers.

The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is difficult to diagnose,since the absence of specific symptoms prevents. It is more correct to say that there are many signs of the disease, and they are combined randomly. There can be only one symptom that is easily confused with the symptom of another disease.

The most common signs of multiple sclerosisare rapid fatigue, loss of coordination, numbness and tingling in the hands and body, dizziness. In addition, there may be a worsening of eyesight in one eye, a fog-like sensation and the appearance of black spots in front of the eyes, disruption of the genitourinary system and intestines, difficulty breathing, a sudden change in behavior (from sudden depression to unreasonable joy and euphoria), a feeling of "electric shock" turning the head.

"Multiple sclerosis - what is it?" - The question, of course, is topical, especially in modern society, when most people are exposed to stressful situations.

Multiple Sclerosis Reviews
Signs of the disease exacerbated by overheatingorganism. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis can manifest themselves, and then disappear for years. This does not mean that the illness has passed. On the contrary, the state of the nervous system will deteriorate, and after remission there will be a sharp exacerbation.

Because of the multiple symptoms putthe final diagnosis of "multiple sclerosis" can only be a neurologist. The detection of this disease is carried out using various procedures. First of all, this is a magnetic resonance examination, as well as an analysis of blood and cerebrospinal fluid.

If the tomography reveals the presence of plaquesin the brain and spinal cord, the diagnosis is confirmed. But their absence in the picture does not negate the probability of the presence of pathology. What does the term "multiple sclerosis" mean? What it is? First of all, it is the need to continue to monitor the neurologist.

The risk of complications depends on the fact,whether the disease was detected at an early stage. If you do not start treatment on time, disability and even death occur. Man loses control over his body, speech becomes incoherent. People whose relatives suffer from a diagnosis of "multiple sclerosis", reviews of the disease and its manifestations leave severe. To date, there are no medicines to completely defeat the disease. But timely diagnosis and properly selected therapy significantly slow the development of multiple sclerosis.

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