Means "Dufalac" for children. Application features

A fairly common problem inNewborns, along with diarrhea, becomes constipated. Often when this condition occurs, parents panic. Experts remind that if the baby has constipation or any other disorder, one should not do self-medication. Before using any medication, consult a pediatrician.

if the baby is constipated
Undoubtedly, one of the most effectiveways to eliminate digestive system disorders in a child is considered to correct the feeding regime of a nursing mother. However, there are children who are on artificial feeding, so they are deprived of the opportunity to obtain the necessary substances with milk. In this case, the doctor prescribes medications. One such remedy is the drug Dufalac. For children, this drug is safe. Parents also note the high efficiency of the facility.

Medication "Dufalac". Description

The medicine is practically not absorbed. The action of the drug begins in the intestine, where it is cleaved by the microflora. Due to the action of the medication, peristalsis is normalized and the functions of the intestine are restored. Along with this, suppression of growth and spread of pathogenic microorganisms occurs. The undoubted advantage of the drug "Dufalac" (for children) is the lack of addiction to it. In addition, the medicine does not affect the absorption of useful elements and vitamins that enter the body with food.

Dufalac Description

Dosing regimen

"Dufalac" for children up to one year is prescribed2.5 mg, from 1 to 5 years - 5 mg, from five to ten years - 10 mg per application. Give the medicine twice a day. The duration of therapy is coordinated with the pediatrician.

Side effects of the drug "Dufalac" (for children)

The drug is usually well toleratedpatients of different ages. In some cases, the development of undesirable consequences is likely. In particular, colic may occur, and gas formation may increase. One of the most common side effects is diarrhea. This condition develops if the dose is exceeded or if there is an increased sensitivity to the components of the medication. Allergic reactions are rare. As experts note, the rash on the skin, irritation and other external manifestations also appear due to intolerance. Flatulence, tenderness in the abdomen usually pass on their own after discontinuation of application.

duumalak for children


Do not recommend the drug "Dufalac" for children suffering from gastrointestinal obstruction, galactosemia, hypersensitivity.

additional information

When prescribing therapy should be putparents are aware that the medicinal lactulose is able to reduce the pH level of the large intestine. Therefore, the drugs, the release of which occurs with a certain acid-base balance, may decrease activity. If side effects develop or if an overdose develops, the pediatrician should be consulted. The specialist in such cases will adjust the scheme of admission or prescribe another treatment.

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